The Case for Universal Property

An idea pioneered by Alaska could inoculate society against extreme inequality By James K. Boyce When voters went to the polls in November, one outcome was

What Is the Real Meaning of Dignity?

Few people appreciate the extraordinary impact human dignity has on our everyday lives. By: Donna Hicks Ph.D. At about the same time that I realized

Is U.S. Welfare Policy Racist?

U.S. welfare policies have, from their very inception, been discriminatory. By: Alma Carten. — A recent UNICEF report found that the U.S. ranked 34th on the list

The US Safety Net Is Degrading by Design

By Mimi Abramovitz, Deepak Bhargava and Tammy Thomas Miles. — The pandemic has thrown millions of people out of work while mean-spirited government policies ended emergency Unemployment Insurance benefits.

Support for UBI follows class/racial lines

Majority of black, Hispanic Americans support universal basic income; most whites oppose: poll By: Denis Balibouse  As support for guaranteed or universal basic income grows

Reality Check

Reality Check By: Gisele Huff, Founder and President of Fund for Humanity I despair. Because of the extraordinary, devastating circumstances in which we find ourselves,

Interview with Humanist Social Reformer Tony Robinson

Interview with Humanist Social Reformer Tony Robinson by David Andersson   Our humanity is facing one of the most profound challenges we have ever faced. We find ourselves in uncharted territory, as COVID-19 has put in question

How Will UBI Affect Non-Profits?

Universal Basic Income Getting More Notice In Wake Of COVID-19 Crisis by Mark Hrywna Automation and Artificial Intelligence (AI) were always the developments that were

The $1,200 coronavirus checks, explained

After a week of Congress members and the Trump administration proposing various plans to get cash into the hands of Americans to help them weather the coronavirus crisis,

Is UBI in New York City’s future?

We’re down to single digits. Eight Democratic presidential candidates remain after three dropped out this week: Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, former Gov. Deval Patrick

Push for UBI continues on

Andrew Yang’s bid for the Democratic nomination is over, but supporters of his basic income policy say his campaign was just the beginning. [“You know

Child Poverty is a Moral Tragedy

Nearly 1 in 5 American children is officially poor. That’s roughly 15 million kids. But the number living with a significant deprivation–insufficient food, seriously overcrowded

The great Indian basic income debate

Basic income is becoming a real and tangible policy consideration in India. In the past decade, many prominent Indian economists have put forward proposals for

An Anarchist Case for UBI

There’s a common misconception that the idea of universal basic income is an example of bigger government, but as this anarchist case for UBI makes,

What Money Can Buy

The idea that a country should provide its citizens with an infusion of cash on a regular basis has cropped up repeatedly over the course

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