Opinion | A stronger Canada starts with economic security for all

Opinion | A stronger Canada starts with economic security for all

We need to ensure all Canadians have the economic security to feel like this country is a home worth fighting for, or the same disgruntled forces that brought Trump into office in the U.S. will surely rip apart the fabric of the Canadian dream, Tom Cooper writes.

Harris proposes $6,000 tax credit for new parents

Harris proposes $6,000 tax credit for new parents

In a speech on Friday in North Carolina, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris will propose a raft of progressive economic proposals that echo and expand on President Biden’s agenda, campaign officials said.

Opinion: The Undeniable Common Sense of UBI

Opinion: The Undeniable Common Sense of UBI

UBI recipients gained enough flexibility to find better jobs, or complete higher education. And contrary to the thinly veiled racist claims that people given free money would become lazy and blow it on vices, the opposite proved true:

Opinion: Universal Basic Income for a Sustainable Future

Opinion: Universal Basic Income for a Sustainable Future

A collaborative study conducted by Stanford Basic Income Lab and the Centre for Guaranteed Income Research has compiled data from over 30 pilot universal basic income (UBI) programs across the United States, involving nearly 8,300 participants.

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘Universal basic income just makes sense’

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘Universal basic income just makes sense’

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘I grew up with the narrative that working-class mothers were the worst’
Hephzibah Anderson
The author on following her acclaimed debut Lowborn with a memoir about motherhood, why her next two books will be thrillers, and the power of toast to bring cheer

Financial stress linked to worse biological health

Financial stress linked to worse biological health

People who experience stressful life events or circumstances are more likely to have worse biological health, as indicated by biomarkers involved in the interaction between our immune, nervous and endocrine systems, according to a new study by UCL researchers.

The Child Tax Credit Is Back From the Dead

The Child Tax Credit Is Back From the Dead

Two years after the expiration of the expanded child tax credit, a pandemic-era policy that temporarily but dramatically lowered child poverty rates, federal lawmakers are close to a bipartisan deal that may reinstate some version of the credit.

Opinion: Basic income is less radical than you think

Opinion: Basic income is less radical than you think

I’ve been following debates on guaranteed income for almost a decade, and one thing that’s stood out is that universal basic income (UBI), a regular cash payment to all citizens with no strings attached, is like a Rorschach test.

What if everyone were entitled to a universal basic income?

What if everyone were entitled to a universal basic income?

News that a universal basic income (UBI) is to be trialled at two locations in England, paying 30 people £1,600 a month regardless of their work, has sent shockwaves through the tabloids.

“Something for nothing” is the way working-class Conservatives have always described out-of-work benefits, with the implication that those receiving them were “spongers”. The idea of actually paying people a good subsistence wage, whether they work or not, is – well – just not capitalism.

LVT-UBI on the ballot in New Zealand

See original post here. New Zealand is suffering many of the same ills that afflict American cities. Tenants facing ever-rising rents, young people and ethnic minorities being priced

Why this S.F. Holocaust survivor supports universal basic income

By: DAN PINE See original article here: Looking at Gisèle Huff today, elegantly dressed, perfectly coiffed, gliding from board meeting to board meeting, it’s

Finding Cash for Kids

By: KALENA THOMHAVE See original post here. For Sasha Foster, a mother of two in Connecticut, the federal expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) was particularly welcome

Why working less can save the planet.

By: Joanna Thompson. See original URL here. Jayson Porter never meant to go viral on Twitter. Porter, an environmental historian at Northwestern University, was thinking

Is a basic income within reach?

See original post here. A new study was released today saying that Canada is closer than ever to a workable guaranteed basic income (GBI). In fact,

Analysis of the Family Security Act 2.0

By: JOSHUA MCCABE,  ROBERT ORR. See original post here. Policymakers are looking for ways to break the stalemate over extending temporary enhancements to the Child

Did Stimulus Checks Cause Inflation?

By: John Csiszar See original post here. America stayed afloat during the pandemic thanks to a $5 trillion avalanche of money transferred from the government

Towards a progressive European basic income?

An EU-wide scheme could address progressives’ concerns about proposals for universal basic income. By: DOMINIC AFSCHARIAN, VIKTORIIA MULIAVKA, MARIUS OSTROWSKI LUKÁŠ SIEGEL Original Post: As the Conference

Australian Greens propose ‘liveable income guarantee’

By: John Quiggin. Original Post: The Australian Greens have lobbed a large rock into the placid pool of economic policy by announcing a proposal

Pro-UBI Candidate in South Korea Barely Loses Presidential Election

By: Jeong-Ho Lee. Original Post: Former top prosecutor Yoon Suk-yeol won election as South Korea’s president, returning the conservative opposition to power after five

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