UBI Taiwan’s single-parent basic income reaches a new ‘milestone’
UBI Taiwan hosted a press conference to spotlight the progress of its basic income pilot program for single-parent households.
UBI Taiwan hosted a press conference to spotlight the progress of its basic income pilot program for single-parent households.
How to Save a Saving Grace? Guaranteed income programs specifically target people from socioeconomic backgrounds more likely to experience poverty and homelessness.
Welfare almost always comes with strings attached. Imagine what would happen if it didn’t.
What if the best medicine isn’t a pill or vaccine — but it’s cold cash?
Evidence from many countries shows that the administrative practices associated with conditions have a tendency towards discrimination and dehumanisation.
It has been shown to be an effective and immediate tool in reducing homelessness.
Results of the GRIT pilot demonstrate that a modest, unrestricted cash investment can improve families’ financial stability, food security, well-being, and reduce poverty in our community.
‘Hope goes a long way’: guaranteed income is a lifeline for ex-prisoners
Tarli, 36, said cash payments helped him afford equipment for his hip hop career.
By PR Newswire See original post here. WASHINGTON, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — More than one dozen academic studies have found guaranteed income programs led to several
A report by Creatives Rebuild New York finds that recipients of its $1,000 monthly payment program saw increased financial stability and individual well-being.
Money—the type that can be spent on anything—has been out of favor as a method of helping impoverished Americans.
The Unconditional Cash Transfer Project gives monthly cash transfers to 100 unemployed graduates
Experts say basic income can help participants afford job training and land higher-paying roles.
What happens when you give people $1,000 a month? They start thinking about launching a business.
“It’s based on the mindset,” he said. “It’s not how little I’m getting, but what I do with what I have.”
Torri Hanna said the basic income program helped her navigate a tough period of her life.
Some parents say guaranteed basic income helped them afford childcare, allowing them to secure jobs and promotions at work.
A new report details the impact of four direct payment, guaranteed-income programs for San Diegan County residents.
A temporary, pandemic-era expansion of the Child Tax Credit improved housing affordability for families with low incomes, according to University of Michigan research.
Michelle Vines with her children Mason Vines, then 3 and Rylee Oliver, then 2, applied for Baltimore’s guaranteed income pilot program in 2022, which was spearheaded by Mayor Brandon Scott.
New Orleans 12th grader Dejah Grimes was part of a pilot program, soon to be expanded, that gives students $50 per week with no strings attached.
Giving cash to poor people could result in fewer emergency department visits, a new study suggests.
Research so far shows basic income can help lower-income families afford the basics.
Giving people cash makes them less poor. It doesn’t fix everything.
Direct cash payments improved recipients’ home lives.
A basic income allowed Hope Davis to get back on her feet and give back to her community.
Georgia’s basic income pilot helped low-income Black women afford bills and pay down debt.
San Diego’s pilot was one of more than 30 such programs unfolding roughly in parallel across the nation.
Mothers and children benefit greatly from the stability provided by these initiatives — which are expanding across the Twin Cities region.
First-year study shows more stable housing, decreased use of emergency services among recipients
The program is now in its third cohort, according to a recent press release, and the city has set aside $500,000 of its 2025 budget to continue the program.
Interest in guaranteed basic income programs is gaining traction in some Washington cities. Tacoma started its second basic-income pilot in 2024, after a separate King County program. KUOW’s “Booming” looks into the lessons learned from such experiments.
Arts Sector gathers to discuss Status of the Artist in Ireland & results from first year of the Basic Income for the Arts pilot
A New Mexico guaranteed basic income program offered immigrant and undocumented households across the state $500 a month for a year.
Aimed at combating poverty, GBI faces political challenges and funding constraints.
The eastside Indianapolis groups chose 15 families to test a universal basic income program for a year and a half.
Jennette Fisher and her 11-year-old daughter Sophia moved into a new apartment in January. Fisher is still setting up the furniture, but her Chicago suburb is starting to feel like home.
Wright said the extra cash gave her room to save money and time to find a place more suitable for her family.
New York City is one of many areas across the country offering guaranteed basic income to low-income residents.
Interest in universal basic income has grown due to the pandemic, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and economic pain.
Riko Niyomwungere is a North Seattle College student who participated in a recent guaranteed basic income pilot.
Ingrid Sullivan, 48, was able to afford rent and groceries with San Antonio’s basic-income program.
Christopher Santiago recalls being skeptical the first time he heard about basic income — giving people cash with no conditions on how to spend it.
The programs tracked participants spending on debit cards and found most spent it on basic needs like food, rent and gas.
San Antonio gave low-income residents $5,108 each in a guaranteed basic income pilot. They used the money to pay for housing and other necessities.
What would you do if you suddenly had an extra $400 every month?Dante used it to set up a bank account and get a credit card. His credit score is now a solid 712.
Results from Arlington’s first guaranteed income pilot reveal that an additional $500 per month significantly enhanced the quality of life for impoverished families.
L.A. County’s Breathe program gives participants $1,000 monthly for three years, more money over a longer period than similar programs.
Two hundred low-income households in Minneapolis are receiving $500 a month for two years.
In 2022, the D.C. government announced a pilot program that offered 132 new and expecting low-income mothers $10,800 over the course of a year — no strings attached — intended to assess how unconditional cash payments could improve their families’ outcomes and economic mobility.
For Alaskans, the concept behind universal basic income has been alive and well for the last 40 years.
For one year, low-income families in Austin, Texas, received $1,000 a month to do whatever they wanted; they spent it on rent and “substantially” improved their situations.
A wave of experimentation in the way that U.S. cities, counties, and states support households with low incomes is sweeping the country, and Minneapolis is at the leading edge.
These L.A. residents got $1,000 a month. What happened after the cash stopped?
The innovative Basic Income for the Arts scheme offers artists a payment of €325 per week. Broadly welcomed in the sector when introduced in 2022, we look at how the pilot project has been doing
Data is in for the nation’s first mayor-led guaranteed income pilot to use public dollars, and results show positive trends in employment, physical and mental health, and other indicators of well-being and quality of life.
There’s a pilot program called (Cook County) Promise that’s been giving thousands of low-to- moderate-income families $500 in cash every month to help them meet basic needs
If 100 homeless people were given $750 per month for a year, no questions asked, what would they spend it on?
Among the findings are that depression and anxiety experienced in the previous 4 weeks to the scheme decreased by almost 10%.
Researchers at the University of Chicago have been studying guaranteed income programs in the region, but there are some results data alone can’t reveal. So, one Chicago-based sociologist spoke with people receiving monthly cash assistance to find out more about the difference it makes in their lives.
Guaranteed income pilot programs are springing up across the country, including here in Maine, and a campaign to create the building blocks for a statewide program in Maine is ramping up.
One of the big questions GiveDirectly is trying to answer is how to direct cash to low-income households.
TACOMA, Wash. – Tacoma’s guaranteed income program ‘GRIT’ could be on track to help another round of participants over the next two years.
“Guaranteed basic income” pilot programs are running in communities all over the country, both liberal and conservative. The idea could become the next big public controversy.
Sequaya Coleman, with her daughter, was randomly selected to receive $1,000 a month, no strings attached, for a year from the Magnolia Mother’s Trust.
Gearóid O’Dea explains how the BIA pilot scheme has enabled him to worry less and concentrate more on developing his painting career
The Denver Basic Income Project has received a $2 million commitment from the City of Denver in its 2024 budget, and is in talks to determine next steps, according to Donovan.
There was no questioning the impact, she told Insider: The money “helped me keep my life afloat.”
As the Senate considers a bill that would require the creation of a national framework for basic income, supporters in Ontario say the stories of pilot participants make it clear basic income works.
Durham’s mayor pro tempore, Mark-Anthony Middleton, who helped oversee the program, had been advocating for his city to introduce a basic income for years.
Jasmine, 18, has had a long history with social services and says she’s spent her life moving around
LOS ANGELES (KABC) — L.A. County’s guaranteed income program, Breathe, is giving 1,000 residents $1,000 a month for three years.
I believe local currencies, like the system in Marica, can be a powerful business development model for towns and villages in the UK, especially those losing out to online sales or nearby large cities.
A new documentary featuring a guaranteed basic income experiment in Cambridge shows the good that comes from giving low-income families a little extra help each month.
Six months ago, the Denver Basic Income Project (DBIP) started giving cash regularly to people experiencing homelessness, no strings attached.
In an experimental program, 5,000 Chicagoans received monthly cash payments from the city for a year, no strings attached. Here’s how the money changed one woman’s life — and how it didn’t.
Income from the Cambridge RISE pilot program helped free up Porchia Willis to take classes at the Massachusetts School of Barbering
The expanded child tax credit was a well-tested solution to child poverty. Bring it back.
A teenager who was given £1,600 a month as part of a government pilot scheme said it helped her rent a flat.
Advocates for the Denver Basic Income Project rallied at the Colorado Capitol on Friday to urge local leaders to support additional funding for the program
The Scottish Child Payment has seen the biggest reduction in inequality caused by a single policy change since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, an Oxford professor has said.
Denver Basic Income project leader Mark Donovan sees plenty of proof that his idea of giving out cash works to improve the lives of the homeless.
Simply transferring money to people living in poverty works.
The program is now three quarters of the way done and officials say its yielding a 324% return on investment.
Kalpana is one of the 3,500 economically poor and vulnerable women who received cash as a temporary basic income.
Researchers find homeless people more likely to spend lump sum on housing and food and not ‘temptation goods’ such as alcohol
This is one of four guaranteed basic income initiatives being tested by Santa Clara County, most of which are in the planning phase.
Georgia pilot gives 650 predominantly Black women $850 a month for two years, no strings attached – and it seems to be working
A report from the Denver Income Project found giving people experiencing homelessness free money is a meaningful way to improve their lives.
Philly will join the ranks of cities such as Durham, N.C., using guaranteed basic income as a tool to address systemic racism.
Elinor O’Donovan was among 2,000 artists chosen to receive crucial funding to support their creative endeavors.
It’s Basic, a new documentary premiering at the Tribeca film festival, looks at the US program that gave in-need participants $500 a month
Thousands of Chicago and Cook County residents got $500 a month the past year from programs that are aiming to give people a little financial cushion.
When Jailyn Brown was selected to join a pilot program that gives cash to people struggling to make ends meet, the 23-year-old could hardly get enough hours at the retail store in Chicago where she worked to cover her expenses.
By: Sarah Holder See original post here. A monthly cash payment program for new mothers in New York is going from pilot project to permanent
By: JANET SHAMLIAN See original post here. Adriana Flores, a single mother of two boys, watches every dollar, and even though she works full-time as
By Janelle Nanos See original post here. For years, Mabell Acevedo struggled each month to make ends meet. As a single mom, she needed to
By: LINDSEY ROSE BULLINGER See original post here. In 2021, when many American families were suffering from the financial fallout of the Covid-19 pandemic, the federal
By: Alexa Spencer See original post here. Imagine being a mother of teenage sons who beg you to play sports, but you can’t afford to buy
When Stockton, California, resident Gregory Gauthier had to take time off from his job at auto dismantler Pick-n-Pull to recover from hernia surgery, he was
By: Thomasi McDonald See original post here. Last February 2, the day before his 35th birthday, Torry Cooper had just gotten out of jail. He
By: Rebecca Redelmeier Eudora Tucker long dreamed of owning her own fashion business, but ordinary expenses always stood in the way. Now she can both
By: Kyle Stokes See original post here. Since November 2020, the city of St. Paul has launched four separate pilot programs to study what happens
By: JEANNE KUANG See original post here. Before the pandemic, Claudia Gutierrez worked day shifts in one fast food drive-thru and night shifts in another,
By: Dean Mosiman | Wisconsin State Journal Mai Kaw Xiong struggles to make ends meet. With a limited ability to work due to a hit-and-run
By: Giuliana Mayo See original post here. Here’s the deal: $1,000 a month, free, no strings attached. That’s what the City of Los Angeles has
By: Alexandra Yoon-Hendricks When the pandemic hit in 2020, Debbie Wilkerson decided to retire early from her job at Jack-in-the-Box. But it wasn’t really by
By: Makaelah Walters For more than a year, Murray Wilson has bathed, fed, and clothed his 75-year-old mother, whose chronic inflammatory condition confines her to
By: Ryan Mancini Over a year after the city of Chelsea gave 2,000 families $400 a month between 2020 and 2021, much of which was
See original article here. Editor’s note: In the piece below, guaranteed income recipient Ashala mentions the federal government’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program, or TANF, which
By: Jason DeParle WASHINGTON — When the history of American hardship is written in some distant decade, two recent events may capture the whipsaw forces
By: Aria Bendix A recent experiment suggests that money can indeed buy happiness — at least for six months, among households making up to $123,000 a
By: Janelle Nanos In August 2021, Camp Harbor View launched an experiment: Giving $583 a month to 50 lower-income families in Boston, no strings attached.
By: Pam Frampton The metaphorical writing is on the wall and it’s hard to miss, and that’s because it’s in huge red letters, all capitalized:
By: JACKIE MADER AUSTIN, Texas — By his mid-20s, Tommy Andrade was tired of working dead-end jobs. With a young child at home, he realized
By: ALISHA ROE When I applied to be part of a new guaranteed income program in my city, I was skeptical anyone would want to
By: MICHAEL SCHMIDT After her husband died, Chimwemwe (not her real name) was kicked out of their marriage home in Malawi. On returning destitute to
By: Richard Sears In a new article published in JAMA Pediatrics, William E. Copeland and colleagues explore the long-term effects of childhood family income supplements on mental
By: Ella Smyth 2,000 artists across Ireland were recently selected to receive €325 a week as part of the new Basic Income for the Arts
By: Adam Willis Ever since she was teenager, Jewels Hawkins says she’s been more or less on her own. Not long after she stopped attending
By: Kristi Pahr In nearly two dozen cities around the country, 6,000 low-income individuals and families have been taking part in pilot studies to test
By: Marlo Lacen New data released on Tuesday shows how families enrolled in Shreveport‘s Universal Basic Income program are spending the extra income. The universal basic
By: Farhad Manjoo Among the big changes ushered in by the pandemic was a quiet revolution in American welfare policy. OK, “quiet revolution” is my
By: Sarah Holder In more than 20 US cities that launched basic income programs during the pandemic, the average person receiving monthly support was a woman making just
By: JACQUI GERMAIN Since the 2019 launch of Stockton, California’s, highly publicized universal basic income pilot, led by former mayor Michael Tubbs, guaranteed income pilot programs have multiplied across the country.
By: Rachel Lippmann St. Louis residents who received $500 in cash pandemic assistance most often spent the money on food and utilities. “There aren’t too
See original post here. Of course, Sharon Fullilove and Diane Appiah are missing the $500 cash they each received for 12 months from the Gary
By: TAVNEET SURI, NIDHI PAREKH. See original post here. New evidence from two Kenyan counties shows that cash transfers and other income supplements reduce hunger, illness,
By: Rachel Sandler. See original post here. Sitting on a wooden bench in a remote village in Rwanda, a 47-year-old woman named Esther, a mother
By: Crystal Price. See original post here. Since March, more than 100 people in Durham have been receiving free income through the city’s first Guaranteed
By: Maddie Bender See original post here. Give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day. But give people no-strings-attached cash, and you’ll reduce
By: JAKHEYA. See original post here. Front and Center is a groundbreaking series of op-eds—published by Ms. and created in partnership with the Magnolia Mother’s Trust—which aims to
BY: ALEXANDRA YOON-HENDRICKS See original post here. Eighty households in the city of Sacramento are poised to start receiving $500 a month, no strings attached,
By: Devoni Rose Whitehead See original post here. In 2020, King County Councilmember Girmay Zahilay initiated the King County Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot program, which
By: Greg Iacurci See original post here. ________________________________________ KEY POINTS: Pandemic-era stimulus checks helped many Americans pay bills, reduce debt and build savings. For some,
By: Libby Denkmann and Noel Gasca. See original post here. The rising cost of everyday goods and the end of several pandemic programs like the expanded
By: MARIE FAZIO See original post here. Once a week for a year, $50 was deposited into Jalen Hyde’s banking account. Hyde, currently studying engineering
By: Jane Flanagan See original post here. The smile has not left Lusiya Chikoya’s face since she and every other adult from her village were
By: Lizz Giordano. See original post here. With his first guaranteed basic income check, Geno Rosario purchased a cartload full of groceries. As the end of
By: NIKOLA GRACE RADLEY. See original post here. Walking through the streets of Maricá, Brazil, there is a sense that something is different about this city
By: RACHEL FLEISHMAN. See original post here. I’m a Pediatrician Caring for Families in Poverty. Here’s What’s Been Happening at My Hospital Since the Child Tax
By: Rhonda Castello – as told to Justin Chandler. See original post here. I’ve been living in Hamilton for about 25 years. I’m a Hamiltonian.
By: Brendan Kennedy. See original post here. Alana Baltzer credits the year and a half she spent on Ontario’s aborted basic income pilot project for helping her
BY NOORULAIN KHAWAJA See original post here. Highlights: > StepUp Durham’s free monthly stipend for former inmates is making a difference in the lives of people
By: Marin Cogan See original post here. Allina Diaz started looking for work last May, after graduating from the University of Maine at Augusta. As
By: Liza Lucas See original post here. Belinda Hunt has big dreams for her family. She dreams of becoming a pilot and dreams for the
By: Caitlyn Kim. See original post here. For more than eight years, Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet has been trying to expand the Child Tax Credit and
By: Hakim Bishara See original post here. Tatiana Luboviski-Acosta has learned to perfect the art of the hustle. Born in Mexico and raised in Los
By: KRISTIE WEILAND STAGNO See original post here. Who is most likely to be poor in America? Children. Their pre-pandemic poverty rate of 1 in
By: Leah Hamilton See original post here. In early 2021, Congress temporarily expanded the existing child tax credit to nearly every American child, and issued
By: Harrison Jones Original post can be found here. The research revealed the cost of living crisis’ impact on ordinary Londoners, with some participants explaining
Monthly cash payments from the federal government last year may have helped some parents avoid taking out payday loans or selling their blood plasma in
By: Minerva Canto Original post can be found here. We now know what happens when we think the best of people in lower income communities: They
By: Devoni Whitehead Read original post here. After a long journey filled with long nights, Zoom calls, and several rounds of report edits, I am
Elizabeth Softky couldn’t work during cancer treatments and was evicted from her home. A guaranteed-income program helped her get permanent housing & paired her with
The program gave 110 random residents $400 a month for one year. The results are impressive as measured by reduction in stress. By: Steve Lenox
By: Leo Aquino Original Post: https://www.businessinsider.com/personal-finance/families-affected-child-tax-credit-payments-stopped-2022-3 _____________________________________ Highlights: US parents received $250 monthly child tax credit payments from July to December 2021 under Biden’s Build
By: Aditi Shrikant. Original Post: https://grow.acorns.com/how-a-thousand-dollar-cash-handout-ubi-changed-nyc-mom/ ____________________________________ KEY POINTS: Since July 2020, Shakeya Hudson has received $1,000 per month in guaranteed cash payments from The
By: ERICA Original Post: https://msmagazine.com/2022/02/24/front-and-center-17-erica-child-tax-credit-guaranteed-income-black-mothers-women-covid-magnolia-mothers-trust-jackson-mississippi/ _________________________________________ Front and Center is a groundbreaking series of op-eds—published by Ms. and created in partnership with the Magnolia Mother’s Trust—which aims
The program is being tested in Gainesville, Florida. By: Kiara Alfonseca Original Post: https://abcnews.go.com/US/guaranteed-income-experiment-hope-incarcerated/story?id=83046091 When Murray was released from prison in July, he didn’t have
An analysis from the Urban Institute shows that overall, the extra $5,500 provided short-term financial stability and peace of mind to hundreds of D.C. households. By:
Thando Makhubu opened up an ice cream business during the coronavirus pandemic. He generated R10,000 within weeks thanks to a special grant. By: Phumi Ramalepe.
As St. Paul’s guaranteed income program comes to a close, its recipients reflect on how it has helped them in their lives and careers. By:
Working families and those with new businesses depend on payments to make ends meet. By: Megan Curtis | Special to The Tribune Original Post: https://www.sltrib.com/opinion/commentary/2022/02/03/megan-curtis-congress/
Congress failed to extend funding for the credit, and many families reflected on how the payments shaped their lives amid COVID-driven economic uncertainty and how
What possibilities could open up for low-income families if financial survival weren’t always top of mind? What dreams would these mothers and families be able
Studies show that just $3,000 over six months was enough to fundamentally reshape people’s lives. By: ADELE PETERS. Original post appears in: https://www.fastcompany.com/90717489/what-happened-after-these-unhoused-people-got-monthly-500-checks-two-thirds-have-homes When a
In 2020 and 2021, Tamara Ware received $1,000 a month from a basic-income program. The program provided monthly funds to 100 low-income Black mothers in Jackson,
Guaranteed income programs have seen a recent surge in interest from politicians and members of the public. Here’s why. Read original post at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/equity-lab/article257602068.html BY
By Zachary Green Original article: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/in-mississippi-a-long-running-guaranteed-income-program-is-helping-black-mothers In the U.S. 30% of families headed by Black mothers live below the poverty line. But one initiative in
By Andy Sullivan Original article: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-cities-try-new-way-help-poor-give-them-money-2021-12-21/ WASHINGTON, Dec 21 (Reuters) – Spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, dozens of U.S. cities are deploying a new tool in
By Zachary Green and Jennifer Winter Original article: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/miracle-money-how-a-guaranteed-income-fund-is-helping-san-franciscos-homeless Guaranteed income pilot programs are sweeping the country, but until recently, few, if any, of them
The pilot organizers of Hudson’s basic income pilot hope that gathering five years of results will show how much human potential extra money can unleash.
By Carmen Reinicke Original article: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/18/parents-worry-about-the-end-of-monthly-child-tax-credit-payments.html Without the child tax credit, Stormy Johnson is worried about having enough to eat. Johnson, 44, works as a
By Riley Bunch Original article: https://www.gpb.org/news/2021/12/14/the-covid-era-child-tax-credit-saved-her-family-now-she-and-others-fear-the-worst Hannah Ochoa was near her breaking point. The 29-year-old Marietta mother of four young children was struggling to pay
By Suzan K. DelBene Original article: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/taxes/monthly-child-tax-credit-payments-are-getting-parents-get-back-to-work-opinion/ar-AAROj3w In early 2020, Wendy and her family moved to the Pacific Northwest for her husband’s new job. She
By Daniel Ziffer Original article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-09/basic-income-push-in-australia-after-covid-welfare/100681912 Single mother Juanita McLaren never stops thinking about money, because she doesn’t have it. “It’s the number one thing that
By Andrew Trunsky Original article: https://dailycaller.com/2021/12/07/child-tax-credit-driving-americans-toward-entrepreneurship-little-effect-on-workforce/ A new study suggests that the child tax credit is not reducing overall employment nationwide but is driving some
By Jason Lalljee Original article: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-ubi-helps-woman-went-from-homeless-guaranteed-income-funding-2021-11 Christine, a woman from Compton, California, gets $1,800 every three months through a basic income program. The guaranteed income
By Greg Lee Original article: https://www.ktvu.com/news/oakland-guaranteed-income-two-families-share-their-experiences OAKLAND, Calif. – In June, the city of Oakland launched one of the largest guaranteed income pilot programs in the nation. The premise is
By Zachary Green Original article: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-a-guaranteed-income-pilot-program-is-helping-some-in-gary-indiana The city of Gary, one of the poorest in Indiana, is now one of the latest places in the
by Katie Fleischer COVID-19 and the unprecedented economic crisis it caused made 2020 one of the most economically challenging years for communities across the country. Almost
By Logan Rockefeller Harris Researchers from the Center on Poverty & Social Policy at Columbia University have been measuring monthly poverty rates throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. They
A basic income experiment in the state should teach national Democrats a lesson as they weigh a permanent Child Tax Credit. By Bryce Covert Tamara
By Skylar Eagle MERCER COUNTY, WV (WVNS) — The pandemic changed life for millions of Americans across the nation. Utility and food bills increased with
By Yamil Berard, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Payments help autistic child get therapy, family avoid eviction, couple cope with job loss, mother pay bills After being homeless,
Census surveys show that low income families are using the child tax credits to pay off debt. This is why it should be made permanent.
Phil came to the U.S. in search of opportunity, but when COVID-19 hit he lost his job, immigration status, and health care when he needed
With affordability on many Ontarians’ minds this election, TVO.org looks at the credits and debits of basic income — and at where the major parties
For many American parents struggling to make ends meet during the Covid crisis, Biden’s child tax credit has already made a huge difference By: Bobbi
By: Carmen Reinicke @CSREINICKE In August, millions of American families received the second of six advance child tax credit payments — hundreds of dollars per
Miracle Messages supports unhoused people with weekly calls and texts. Then it started giving them cash—and saw a massive impact. By: Adele Peters For the
By: DANIEL J. PEREZ-LOPEZ A drop in the number of households with children that reported food insufficiency and trouble paying household expenses may be linked
Christina Darling finally replaced her 2006 Chevrolet Equinox after it broke down several times while picking her children up from day care. But the 31-year-old
By: LAKEISHA Front and Center is a groundbreaking series of op-eds—published by Ms. and created in partnership with the Magnolia Mother’s Trust—which aims to put front and center
“There’s very few good news stories, and this is one.” By: Sarah Jones Months into lockdown, Maggie Wiggin noticed that her 7-year-old son had become
By: ADAM BEAM California lawmakers on Thursday approved the first state-funded guaranteed income plan in the U.S., committing $35 million for monthly cash payments to qualifying
By: CHEPHIRAH Front and Center is a groundbreaking series of op-eds—published by Ms. and created in partnership with the Magnolia Mother’s Trust—which aims to put front and center
By: Shwanika Narayan Veronica Vieyra is no stranger to the bottom falling out. After moving from Mexico when she was 9, Vieyra shared a cramped
UBI programs are a hot topic among economists and policymakers. Can it live up to its promise to eradicate poverty and solve the crisis of
Study after study continues to provide mounting evidence that UBI works despite politicians obstructionists positions due to pollical pressures. Will UBI prevail? By Deirdre Pike and
Researchers found that sharp declines in food shortages, financial instability and anxiety coincided with the two most recent rounds of payments. By: Jason DeParle WASHINGTON —
It’s your money; spend it on whatever you need and enjoy the peace of mind. By: Malia Wollan “Let the money give you peace of
Like an island surrounded by the Brazil of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro, the city of Maricá is testing a leftist totem: the unconditional basic income.
Located just 60km from Rio de Janeiro, Marica has modelled itself into a very different city, paying residents a universal basic income, using its own
Fed up with the government’s failures during the pandemic, #1400Challenge is inspiring people to turn their front yards into communal gardens. By Ella Fassler Michael Chaney
Proponents say no-strings-attached payments can boost urban development, narrow the racial wealth gap outside of emergencies too by Carey L. Biron | @clbtea | Thomson Reuters Foundation Highlights: >
A personal story. By: Tia I was part of the very first Magnolia Mother’s Trust program, back when it was just 20 moms almost three
We can’t be an anti-racist, just society until we have safe and stable families and communities. And for this we need cash. Let’s first provide
A intimate and personal story that gets at the heart of the challenges of being a single mother. Imagine how UBI can support these families.
By the Center for Employment Opportunities To see original video, visit: https://vimeo.com/482823570
The newly enacted child tax credit has the potential to reduce the number of rent-burdened households with children by nearly 9%. By Dana Anderson The newly
A new report on the California’s city’s no-strings-attached money experiment shows that the $500 monthly stipend did more than improve recipients’ well-being: It helped them find work.
Spain will test a four-day workweek in a new pilot program this year, The Guardian reports. The government will cover costs for employers who offer
Biden’s stimulus plan contains an experiment in Universal Basic Income. The bill’s child tax credit has the potential to change the way that the United
A guaranteed income gives people the mental, physical and economic benefits that come with a basic level of financial security — including the ability to
How government-provided cash gives people the tools to solve their own problems. By Aisha Nyandoro and Natalie Foster As President Joe Biden prepares to sign the
By Aria Bendix In Stockton, California, 125 residents got $500 per month, no strings attached, for two years. After a year, full-time employment among them
While enrolled in a universal basic income program, Patricia Jackson had access to a reserve of $3,200 that she was able to draw from when
By: Kristin Myers Universal basic income (UBI) has been a “lifesaver” for households participating in UBI pilot programs, Mayor Michael Tubbs told Yahoo Finance. The
‘Poverty is expensive’: Toronto doctor says universal basic income actually costs society less By Kamyar Razavi & Mike Le Couteur Global News One of the pillars of the federal
Michael Bohmeyer’s website, “My Basic Income,” has given randomly selected people almost $1,200 a month for a year to see if it improves their lives.
A Vancouver-based research project gave homeless individuals cash and tracked their progress for a year. The 50 cash transfer recipients not only found stable housing,
As people’s livelihoods have been thrown into upheaval amid the pandemic, public desire for a stronger safety net has increased globally. Has the time come
The virus doesn’t sicken kids as much as adults. But it can still destroy their futures. A child allowance would help. — By: Jason DeParle —__
Can Guaranteed Income Help Americans Escape Poverty? Ciara McDonald, a single mother of three in Jackson, Mississippi, received $1,000 a month for a year. Here’s
The Pandemic Proved That Cash Payments Work An extra $600 a week buys freedom from fear. by Annie Lowrey Like millions of other workers,
Canada’s forgotten universal basic income experiment By David Cox Amid wide unemployment during Covid-19, basic income schemes have gained fresh relevance. A successful Canadian
Canadian universal basic income experiment has been life-changing for those unemployed amid coronavirus One economist calls it a “modern policy for a modern labor market.”
Stockton has been testing a universal basic income since 2019 — it’s working The Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration, a program funded exclusively through donations, has
Could universal basic income change aid forever? For four years, the villagers of Magawa in rural western Kenya have all received £17 every month as
The report on Finland’s 2017-2018 basic income experiment illustrates great variance in how the experiment affected participants’ lives. University of Helsinki researchers contributed with a
Give a Buck is Mashable’s deep dive into Universal Basic Income — an idea gaining currency in a time of pandemic and mass unemployment. Now more
I recently had the chance to correspond with award-winning photographer Jessie Golem. Her outstanding and well-renowned photography series “Humans of Basic Income” turned heads and
“No proposed plan for universal basic income has been perfect, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.” Ava Burcham Guest Writer Andrew Yang dropped out
“In my experience, there is no clearer understanding of the concept of unconditional basic income than among those who have lived with it as part
Stockton, California gave money to random recipients from neighborhoods where the median annual income is $46,000 – no strings attached — as part of a
In 2017, GiveDirectly launched a Universal Basic Income Program. As part of this program, we are running a randomized control trial across 295 rural villages in
MICHEL MARTIN, HOST: What would you do with an extra 500 bucks a month, no strings attached? Well, thanks to an experimental program in Stockton,
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The first data from an experiment in a California city where needy people get $500 a month from the government shows
I am the daughter of a single mother, a mother who raised me and my sister with the help of food stamps, visits to the
The Canada Child Benefit has not only lifted kids out of poverty, but it has boosted the country’s economy by $139 billion since 2016, according
JACKSON, Miss. — Cheryl Gray had sat through so many presentations about programs to lift herself out of poverty that she could practically recite all
For a region that’s blessed with bountiful natural resources, the Pacific Northwest has largely missed the boat. We’re not talking about politicians’ willingness to levy
First published on May 31, 2019 A new study links an extra $1,000 a year paid through Alaska’s Permanent Fund Dividend to a 4.5% reduction
Article originally posted on Nov 12, 2018. Not long ago, my wife, a composer, asked me if I would ever advise a student from a
View Video at KCRA STOCKTON, Calif. (KCRA) —$500 a month with no strings attached. More than 100 Stockton residents are getting just that as part
After the article “A Critical Poverty Eradication Experiment in Kenya”, published in the last issue of the BIEN News Flash, we now offer this compliment
Chuck Fassi, 49, a self-described introvert with a heavy New England accent, has spent much of the past two decades working 55-plus-hour weeks for a
Finland’s flirtation with a basic income model will probably continue in some form, says a senior official at the Social Insurance Institution (Kela). The benefits
This Sunday, all over America, little hands will prepare trays with bowls of cereal and small glasses of orange juice. They will leave trails of
James Collura was a recipient of basic income in Ontario’s recently cancelled Basic Income Pilot experiment. This is his account of what it was like
Over the past decade, the implementation of universal basic income (UBI) programs has skyrocketed, and the concept has increasingly dominated economic policy debates. Universal basic