One year of basic income in Minneapolis

One year of basic income in Minneapolis

A wave of experimentation in the way that U.S. cities, counties, and states support households with low incomes is sweeping the country, and Minneapolis is at the leading edge.

Direct cash payments are changing lives in Cook County

Direct cash payments are changing lives in Cook County

Researchers at the University of Chicago have been studying guaranteed income programs in the region, but there are some results data alone can’t reveal. So, one Chicago-based sociologist spoke with people receiving monthly cash assistance to find out more about the difference it makes in their lives.

What $500 a Month Means to Zinida Moore

What $500 a Month Means to Zinida Moore

In an experimental program, 5,000 Chicagoans received monthly cash payments from the city for a year, no strings attached. Here’s how the money changed one woman’s life — and how it didn’t.

Are guaranteed-income programs in Illinois working?

Are guaranteed-income programs in Illinois working?

Thousands of Chicago and Cook County residents got $500 a month the past year from programs that are aiming to give people a little financial cushion.

When Jailyn Brown was selected to join a pilot program that gives cash to people struggling to make ends meet, the 23-year-old could hardly get enough hours at the retail store in Chicago where she worked to cover her expenses.

UBI Recipient: Before my Basic Income and the Child Tax Credit, I Used To Have to Work Four or Five Jobs To Make Ends Meet

By: ERICA Original Post: _________________________________________ Front and Center is a groundbreaking series of op-eds—published by Ms. and created in partnership with the Magnolia Mother’s Trust—which aims

Congress should renew monthly Child Tax Credit payments

Working families and those with new businesses depend on payments to make ends meet. By: Megan Curtis | Special to The Tribune   Original Post: 

U.S. cities try new way to help the poor: cash

By Andy Sullivan Original article: WASHINGTON, Dec 21 (Reuters) – Spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, dozens of U.S. cities are deploying a new tool in

Child Tax Credit Is Driving Americans Toward Entrepreneurship

By Andrew Trunsky Original article: A new study suggests that the child tax credit is not reducing overall employment nationwide but is driving some

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