Tag: UBI

The Other Epidemic: Deaths of Despair

Anne Case and Angus Deaton provide a compelling account of the problem, but anemic solutions. The epidemic of deaths of despair will continue unless we

How Poverty Makes Workers Less Productive

By Greg Rosalsky As Washington debates sending checks to Americans and increasing the minimum wage, a new study offers evidence for how such policies could help eliminate

Towards a post-toil world

OP-ED: Can the Covid-19 pandemic bring us out of the vicious cycle of working ourselves to death? By: Mohammad Tareq Hasan In today’s world, we

Reality Check

Reality Check By: Gisele Huff, Founder and President of Fund for Humanity I despair. Because of the extraordinary, devastating circumstances in which we find ourselves,

Is UBI in New York City’s future?

We’re down to single digits. Eight Democratic presidential candidates remain after three dropped out this week: Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, former Gov. Deval Patrick

Push for UBI continues on

Andrew Yang’s bid for the Democratic nomination is over, but supporters of his basic income policy say his campaign was just the beginning. [“You know

The Fall and Rise of the Basic Income Movement

Forty years ago today—February 7, 1980—was a small milestone for the Universal Basic Income (UBI) movement: Milton and Rose Friedman dedicated an episode of their television show to a

UBI is Social Security for the 21st Century

It’s based on the dividends that accrue to Americans because of their everyday contributions as workers, consumers, caregivers and volunteers: Opposing view “Universal basic income”

Is Andrew Yang being unfairly ignored?

(CNN) Quick. Tell me the six highest-polling Democrats in the 2020 Democratic race. The first few are easy: Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

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