Universal programs are much easier to administer than means-tested ones
Universal programs are much easier to administer than means-tested ones.
Universal programs are much easier to administer than means-tested ones.
A universal basic income policy is simple yet transformative, writes Zack Polanski, deputy leader of the Green Party of England and Wales
A ballot measure to give Oregon residents a $1,600 tax rebate faces bipartisan opposition.
Interest in universal basic income has grown due to the pandemic, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, and economic pain.
“Guaranteed basic income” pilot programs are running in communities all over the country, both liberal and conservative. The idea could become the next big public controversy.
A new documentary featuring a guaranteed basic income experiment in Cambridge shows the good that comes from giving low-income families a little extra help each month.
An NIT sounds very different from a UBI because, well, it sounds like a tax, not a benefit! But as we’ll see, in most circumstances, the two are mathematically equivalent.
Denver Basic Income project leader Mark Donovan sees plenty of proof that his idea of giving out cash works to improve the lives of the homeless.
Simply transferring money to people living in poverty works.
In an interview with CNBC, Reich discussed how AI will have a profound impact on middle-class workers, creating an impetus for a universal basic income.
A report from the Denver Income Project found giving people experiencing homelessness free money is a meaningful way to improve their lives.
The NHS is loved because it is there for all of us. Could basic income play the same role for our generation?
Is a Universal Basic Income merely a utopian concept, or can it be a viable solution that can effectively work in Australia? Experts weigh in.
Pennsylvania lawmakers said they plan to introduce legislation directing an agency to study the efficacy of a universal basic income program.
By Matthew T. Johnson and Elliott Johnson See original article here. In October 1936, 200 men marched from South Tyneside to London to protest against the poverty
By Berliner Zeitung.Translation by Raymond R. Watson, M.A. According to a study people, particularly young people, are infavor of a basic income. Even those who
See original post here. The Oregon Rebate (IP 2024-017) ballot initiative campaign has announced early success in collecting the necessary signatures to qualify for the
By: Eugenia LOGIURATTO See original post here. Artificial intelligence could replace 80 percent of human jobs in the coming years — but that’s a good
By: Jewel Stolarchuk See original post here. Red Dot United (RDU) has proposed several measures to uplift Singapore workers in today’s challenging post-COVID world in its
By: Alexa Spencer See original post here. Imagine being a mother of teenage sons who beg you to play sports, but you can’t afford to buy
By: Kofi Kenyatta See original post here. Arlyssa Heard struggles with crushing debt from student loans and a high-interest car payment. The single mom was
Businesswire: April 18, 2023 SAN FRANCISCO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity (the “Fund”), a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the understanding, acceptance, and implementation of Universal
When Stockton, California, resident Gregory Gauthier had to take time off from his job at auto dismantler Pick-n-Pull to recover from hernia surgery, he was
See original post here. By: HALAH AHMAD & STEPHEN NUÑEZ & HOPE WOLLENSACK Unconditional cash assistance is having a moment. Even before the pandemic, there was growing
By: Stacy Ryburn FAYETTEVILLE — A research team in Central Arkansas will spend the next five years studying the impact of structural racism and discrimination
By: Swapnil Pawar Universal basic income has been discussed at length in recent debates in economics. The mistaken and yet generally widely agreed premise is
By Rebecca Heilweil See original post here. A few weeks ago, Wharton professor Ethan Mollick told his MBA students to play around with GPT, an artificial intelligence
By: Peter Knight See original post here. The Universal Basic Income (UBI) pilot plan is one of the projects that the Catalan Government will carry out
By: Jo Lawson-Tancred A lucky group of artists in New York will get guaranteed income as part of an ambitious pilot program. The Creatives Rebuild
By: Duma Gqubule See original article here. South Africa is in an economic policy cul-de-sac. The government is committed to austerity policies and will not
By: Hein Marais See original article here. For a very large proportion of South Africans, paid work is neither a viable nor sufficient basis for a
By: Cristina Tomàs White and Gerard Escaich Folch Can you imagine what it would be like to be paid every month for no reason in
By: Yogashen Pillay See original article here. Durban – The National Freedom Party (NFP) said that they support the call by workers and labour unions
By: Kristen Mosbrucker See original post here. A cohort of 200 Baltimore parents will get $1,000 each month as part of a pilot program known
By: By HANNAH METZGER. See original post here. Colorado taxpayers will soon receive at least $750 in the mail from a Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights
By: Wageningen University. See original post here. Stress increases the rigidity of the beliefs underlying psychiatric disorders, prejudices and conspiracy theories. Therefore measures aimed at
By: Gili Malinsky. See original post here. For more than a year, Americans have been expressing their frustration with work by quitting their jobs altogether.
See original post here. The scheme, in a report by independent think tank Autonomy, suggests an income of at least £40 a week per child and
By: Raf Manji. See original post here. OPINION: In Budget 2022, the Government announced it would deliver a one-off cash grant of $350 to 2.1 million New Zealanders,
See original post here. A new universal basic income model could cut poverty by more than half at no net cost, reducing it to its
Letter to the Editor from Evelyn L. Forget. An act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income has been introduced to
By: N Chandra Mohan. See original post here. There is again a buzz surrounding the provision of a universal basic income (UBI) recommended by a
By: Basit Mahmood See original post here. Andy Burnham has said that Universal Basic Income is an idea ‘whose time has come’ as he discussed
By: Charlie Chan See original post here. I strongly agree with your editorial “Abolish MPF raids by bosses immediately” (May 7), but I would go
By: Heather Cherone. Original post can be seen here. More than 90,000 Chicagoans applied to be part of the city’s study that will test whether
See original post here. Targeted social protection programs intended to cushion people from the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic have only had limited success
By: ALICE YIN See original post here. Chicago residents can start applying for the city’s $500-per-month basic income pilot program in less than two weeks, Mayor
By: Harrison Jones Original post can be found here. The research revealed the cost of living crisis’ impact on ordinary Londoners, with some participants explaining
By: CHRIS TAYLOR See original post here. Universal basic income – a tax-free, unconditional sum of money regularly given to everyone in a society –
By: Diana Bashur See original post here. _______________________________________ In a nutshell. What a regular, individual and predictable basic income has done is make people more
By: Jennifer Mills See original post here. The Australian Greens announced last week the addition of a Liveable Income Guarantee to their election platform. The
By: Paul Albani-Burgio See original post here. The executive director of a social justice group has joined the Palm Springs mayor in raising concerns that they and
By: Minerva Canto Original post can be found here. We now know what happens when we think the best of people in lower income communities: They
Two years on from the first national coronavirus lockdown, Hannah Fearn examines the impact the pandemic had on mothers and argues that we can no longer allow
A group of Democratic state lawmakers on Wednesday called for sending a $400 rebate to every California taxpayer to help soften the blow of the
By: Stacey Rutland Original Post: https://income-movement.medium.com/oregon-lawmakers-drop-the-ball-on-basic-income-f924e7bb0ec4 A new bill introduced by Rep. Brad Witt in the Oregon legislature would have established a state-run basic income
Original press release can be found at: https://basicincome.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/220302_Pressrelease_EightBasicIncomeDRC-1.pdf Eight’s basic income project, in collaboration with IPIS, the Belgian Development Cooperation, Fairphone, Umicore and Proximus, announces
The program is being tested in Gainesville, Florida. By: Kiara Alfonseca Original Post: https://abcnews.go.com/US/guaranteed-income-experiment-hope-incarcerated/story?id=83046091 When Murray was released from prison in July, he didn’t have
By: DAVID CASASSAS, JULIE WARK, AND JEAN WYLLYS … Original Post: https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/02/25/brazil-amazon-world-about-a-universal-basic-income/ “If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature,
Means testing does not work like universal benefits, it denies people entitlements they have contributed to and are eligible for By: Peter Beresford Original Post:
By: Tabitha Mueller | Original Post: https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/reno-to-discuss-critical-need-for-affordable-housing | Amid growing unease about skyrocketing rental and home prices, Reno’s city council held a special meeting Tuesday
The Gary City Council will vote on an ordinance that would extend the guaranteed income program. Will the program continue? By: Molly DeVore. Original Post:
Scheme could tackle inequality, promote fairness, Lee’s top adviser says By: Ko Jun-tae Original Post: http://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20220214000271 Bringing universal basic income to South Korea is central
Although the efforts by Jack Dorsey focus on Bitcoin and more traditional options, the GoodDollar initiative has potential. By: Chris Smith. Original Post: https://knowtechie.com/how-jack-dorsey-and-gooddollar-both-envision-a-universal-basic-income-based-on-cryptocurrency/ The
The Fundamental Rights commission of the Constitutional Convention of Chile proposed 2 different articles to guarantee a basic income. There is reason to be hopeful.
Congress failed to extend funding for the credit, and many families reflected on how the payments shaped their lives amid COVID-driven economic uncertainty and how
Some centrist Democrats are pushing to make the expanded Child Tax Credit means-tested. In practice, that often means restricting benefits for the very people who
“These trees which he plants, and under whose shade he shall never sit, he loves them for themselves, and for the sake of his children
Phoenix City Hall. Each family selected is expected to receive $12,000 over the next 12 months. By: ELIAS WEISS. Original Post: https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/city-of-phoenix-promises-of-1000-monthly-stipend-debit-cards-in-the-mail-12964052 Phoenix families selected
The concept of a universal basic income has received increased attention since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. But what do the public think about
Three months after the City Council OK’d what’s touted as the largest such program in the United States — $31.5 million to help 5,000 needy
Basic income support also helps boost investment aimed at improving nutrition, healthcare, housing and transport, the report adds. By: Sarah Smit Original Post: https://mg.co.za/business/2022-01-28-a-big-deal-universal-income-support-could-resuscitate-south-africas-economy-report/ Despite
This pandemic is not the last crisis that the U.S. labor market is going to face. UBI offers protection for the American people when crisis
Self-checkout, self-service, autonomous stores, DIY: The retail world is prepping for a future with fewer human workers and more technology involved in selling us stuff.
Londoners back policies for financial security through the pandemic By: Zack Polanski Original post can be read here: https://www.london.gov.uk//press-releases/assembly/zack-polanski/londoners-back-policies-for-universal-basic-income More than twice as many Londoners
The infrastructure bill is a good start, but the U.S. must go much further in “domestic renewal” to truly compete with China. By: Scott Singer and Ben Silvian
By covering part of the cost of daycare, Child Tax Credit checks have allowed many mothers to continue pursuing a career despite the Great Resignation.
In less than two weeks, a new program, known as Excel, will start giving $500 a month to formerly incarcerated individuals by: Crystal Price. Original post
A new, privately funded program offers families in poverty a steady stream of cash. By Andy Newman Original post can be found at: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/18/nyregion/guaranteed-income-nyc-bridge-project.html?searchResultPosition=2 The fliers
Original post can be seen here: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-01-cash-low-income-families-impacts-infant.html A team of investigators from six universities across the U.S. reports that an intervention designed to reduce poverty
A basic income would not necessarily mean that people would work less. This is the conclusion of a series of behavioural experiments by cognitive psychologist
By: Stephanie Akin. After a largely self-financed campaign that promised “universal basic income” from the government of $1,000 a month to people making $75,000 or less,
Momentum has grown for UBI-style programs By Sarah Holder Original article: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-28/the-u-s-cities-giving-residents-direct-cash-payments At least 20 guaranteed income pilots have launched in cities and counties across the
By Andy Sullivan Original article: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-cities-try-new-way-help-poor-give-them-money-2021-12-21/ WASHINGTON, Dec 21 (Reuters) – Spurred by the coronavirus pandemic, dozens of U.S. cities are deploying a new tool in
Lee Jae-myung’s progressive platform in the presidential race could give transformative politics a boost globally. By Neil Howard Original article: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/12/20/radical-hope-coming-from-south-korea In the face of
By Zoë Freer-Hessler Original article: https://ithacavoice.com/2021/12/ithacas-guaranteed-income-pilot-program-will-distribute-monthly-cash-to-110-caregivers/ ITHACA, N.Y.—In collaboration with Mayors for Guaranteed Income, Human Service Coalition of Tompkins County (HSCTC) and others, Ithaca Mayor Svante
By Barbados Today Original article: https://barbadostoday.bb/2021/12/09/363485/ It appears that the Government is moving ahead with a plan to provide Barbadians with a universal basic income,
By Daniel Ziffer Original article: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-12-09/basic-income-push-in-australia-after-covid-welfare/100681912 Single mother Juanita McLaren never stops thinking about money, because she doesn’t have it. “It’s the number one thing that
It’s a true universal basic income, given to everyone in two test neighborhoods in Barcelona, regardless of earnings. By Talib Visram Original article: https://www.fastcompany.com/90702396/this-new-basic-income-experiment-will-give-money-to-both-rich-and-poor Last
By Peter Knight Original article: https://basicincome.org/news/2021/11/ubi-pilot-in-catalonia/ The President and Government of Catalonia, part of Spain encompassing seven million people and centered on Barcelona, have announced that
44% of respondents support the idea of a universal basic income compared to 23% who oppose it. By Basit Mahmood Original article: https://leftfootforward.org/2021/11/exclusive-voters-support-a-universal-basic-income/ Almost twice
Presidential hopeful wants universal basic income to ease economic disparities By Kim Jaewon Original article: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Asia-Insight/Cash-for-all-Lee-Jae-myung-s-radical-plan-to-reshape-South-Korea SEOUL — Universal basic income, which has been gaining
By Madeline Shannon Original article: https://www.mercedsunstar.com/news/local/article255486671.html#twt-evening-mer After a contentious public hearing over how to use money allotted by the federal American Rescue Plan Act, the
By Bob Redell Original article: https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/making-it-in-the-bay/fremont-city-leaders-vote-to-study-universal-basic-income-pilot-program/2715880/ Fremont could become the next Bay Area city to create universal basic income for residents as city leaders late Tuesday
By Rebecca Lurye Original article: https://www.courant.com/community/hartford/hc-news-hartford-universal-basic-income-recs-20211101-vxm7ydw23nd6jfovfnkjpfrra4-story.html HARTFORD — A task force designing Hartford’s potential Universal Basic Income pilot program will recommend the city seek heaps of
By Bryce Shreve Original article: https://spectrumnews1.com/ky/louisville/news/2021/11/01/attica-scott-prefiles-universal-basic-income-bill-kylege?cid=id-app15_m-share_s-web_cmp-app_launch_august2020_c-producer_posts_po-organic FRANKFORT, Ky. — A bill pre-filed in Kentucky’s general assembly aims to establish universal basic income (UBI) in the Commonwealth.
By Sara Zaske, WSU News & Media Relations Original article: https://news.wsu.edu/press-release/2021/10/28/poor-parents-receiving-universal-payments-increase-spending-on-kids/ PULLMAN, Wash. – When given cash with no strings attached, low- and middle-income parents increased their
By Blair Paddock Original article: https://news.wttw.com/2021/03/30/universal-basic-income-skeptics-say-cash-should-go-existing-services Chicagoans might see a trial of universal basic income. Last week, Chicago aldermen approved a resolution calling for the
In a video message to the Fourth World Meeting of Popular Movements on Saturday, Pope Francis called for a universal basic income, education, and healthcare,
by Seth G. Benzell and Victor Yifan Ye Despite clear economic benefits of new digital technologies, slow median wage growth has led many to worry
By Hyung-Jin Kim SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s ruling liberal party on Sunday nominated its candidate for next year’s presidential elections, selecting a
A Resilience Universal Basic Income would guarantee economic security for every household in the UK as we recover from COVID-19 By Patrick Brown The end
“I am trying to bring our country back together,” Yang told Tucker Carlson By Amy Nelson On Monday, former U.S. presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced he was leaving
By Abby Vesoulis/Compton, CA and Abigail Abrams One evening in early June, Leo and his family were able to enjoy a treat they hadn’t experienced in months: a
By Karen Day It was the devastation of the Second World War that gave birth to the UK’s welfare state, and now, argues Louise Casey, the
By Wilson Walker MOUNTAIN VIEW (KPIX) — Mountain View is just one of the Bay Area cities moving ahead with a guaranteed or universal basic income
by Josh Kelety The Phoenix City Council approved a plan Tuesday to give monthly payments to approximately 1,000 local low-income families for a year. Call
by: Associated Press CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot pitched a pilot program Monday giving $500 monthly payments to 5,000 low-income households, part of the
By Richard Gurner Universal Basic Income (UBI). It’s a topic that has generated many headlines in Wales in recent months. The concept of UBI is
by Justin Phillips on Sep. 12, 2021 When I talked to Sheryl Davis days after San Francisco announced the Dream Keeper Fellowship — a pilot
By: Hyonhee Shin. A South Korean politician who once said he aspired to be a “successful Bernie Sanders” is leading the field to replace Moon
As part of a composite motion to conference, Artists’ Union England is calling on the TUC to support UBI trials for workers in the creative
The government could give all Americans benefits that enable them to purchase what they need for a balanced diet. And I have modeled three different
Actor Greg Wise has said it is time to end “toxic Victorian thinking” about the “undeserving” poor and introduce Universal Basic Income. By: Judith Duffy
By: Carmen Reinicke @CSREINICKE In August, millions of American families received the second of six advance child tax credit payments — hundreds of dollars per
Scotland is set to host the world’s largest universal basic income (UBI) conference this month. By: Craig Meighan Basic Income Network Scotland, in partnership with the
By Aliya Chikte and Gilad Isaacs Political will and strategic taxation channels could help bridge the yawning divide between the haves and the have nots
Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung, the front-running presidential contender for the ruling Democratic Party, made a campaign pledge Thursday to distribute universal basic income of
Philosopher and political economist Philippe Van Parijs looks at whether the cultural sector could benefit from a period of re-thinking what work is. By: Christos
The introduction of a universal basic income (UBI) and freeing Scotland from a “crazy” system of welfare which generates poverty is one of the great
The Commons Work and Pensions Committee has ruled Universal Basic Income is not ‘the right way forward’ for the UK – but only after a
As the feds rollback Covid-19 income supports, more municipalities are experimenting with guaranteed income programs. An interview with the woman leading the movement. By: Michelle
UBI programs are a hot topic among economists and policymakers. Can it live up to its promise to eradicate poverty and solve the crisis of
Opposition Ishin pledges streamlined social safety net as election nears by consolidating social security programs into a single basic income plan. By: TSUBASA YODA Japan’s
BY MELISSA MONTALVO A Fresno-area politician wants California to prioritize struggling San Joaquin Valley farmworkers in a proposed pilot program that would put cash in the
Though imperfect, Covid support measures changed attitudes to those who have less money through no fault of their own By: Zoe Williams With an estimated
The benefits of universal basic income is being recognized globally with the potential to provide everyone with a safety net that can improve the quality
Like an island surrounded by the Brazil of right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro, the city of Maricá is testing a leftist totem: the unconditional basic income.
By: Jackson Cote | jcote@masslive.com As the debate over the idea of universal basic income continues across the country, the city of Cambridge is set to
Guaranteed income programs, no matter whom they support, must frequently battle the same zombie ideas. By Lily Janiak When the city announced last month that it
“We have to create an entirely new structure for the Internal Revenue Service. We are not historically a benefits delivery federal agency,” Rettig said on
We can’t be an anti-racist, just society until we have safe and stable families and communities. And for this we need cash. Let’s first provide
The Bay Area is ground zero for UBI. More than anything, these pilots could help normalize the concept of guaranteed income, for the public and
By Marc E. Fitch The City of Hartford’s Court of Common Council voted in March to create a task force to assess the possibility of a
By Sarah Delahaye More and more people feel that universal basic income (UBI) could change our society for the better. But how can we make
His Family Security Act, which would pay parents a monthly stipend as they raise their children, has united an unusually diverse swath of experts and
The bloc’s recovery efforts are falling short of those in the US. When European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented a landmark EU recovery
By Jacob Pramuk Twenty-one Senate Democrats led by Ron Wyden are pushing President Joe Biden to include recurring direct payments and an extension of jobless benefits
By Catherine Clifford Artificial intelligence will create so much wealth that every adult in the United States could be paid $13,500 per year from its windfall
Introducing a Basic Income Guarantee would cost a lot of money. The good news is that we can finance them by raising taxes on the
Former call center workers said that stopping fraud was prioritized over providing benefits. Opinion by the Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board It’s no secret that
This is a list of some arguments in support of UBI that I’ve most frequently come across during my years of following the UBI discussion.
Imagine a new model: a smaller number of American workers using labor-saving methods, who also get high wages out of a much bigger chunk of
The Marin program will provide $1,000 monthly grants to 125 low wage-earning women of color who are raising at least one child in Marin County.
Eligible artists must be aged 18 and over, have suffered loss of income due to the pandemic and have an artistic practice “rooted in a
Should the massive federal assistance have been more targeted? We should be glad it wasn’t. By Robert Shapiro Both progressives and conservatives criticized the three major
The Automatic Boost to Communities (or ABC) Act is cosponsored by U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal and is a long shot to say the least. By Todd
By Sarah Ravani Oakland plans to start a guaranteed income program this spring for 600 residents — one of the largest such programs in the country,
“The results of this experiment will demonstrate whether basic income is a fleeting issue or a means by which to solve problems such as future
Artists make up just under 1% of the labor force—that’s more than the number of workers in either the auto manufacturing or utilities sectors. But
‘Payments may be making their way into mutual funds and ETFs’: Goldman Sachs analysts wrote. By William Watts Stock-market investors poured a record amount of money into U.S.
Families will not get cash or checks, but debit cards they can use to make purchases. 110 Paterson families will receive $400 per month for
Pandemic parenting is impossible. American work culture is a big reason why. By Anna North Erica, an Indiana mom, was working part time last spring as
The newly enacted child tax credit has the potential to reduce the number of rent-burdened households with children by nearly 9%. By Dana Anderson The newly
Opinion by Tarek Fatah The sight of the homeless sleeping on sidewalks in below-freezing temperatures is not an uncommon sight for those of us who
A new report on the California’s city’s no-strings-attached money experiment shows that the $500 monthly stipend did more than improve recipients’ well-being: It helped them find work.
Spain will test a four-day workweek in a new pilot program this year, The Guardian reports. The government will cover costs for employers who offer
Biden’s stimulus plan contains an experiment in Universal Basic Income. The bill’s child tax credit has the potential to change the way that the United
Ensuring everyone has decent public services and a guaranteed income could transform the UK after the pandemic Opinion by Anna Coote and Neal Lawson As Britain’s economy
By Joan Bryden, The Canadian Press OTTAWA — The idea of creating a universal basic income is being pushed by Liberal MPs and grassroots party
For too long people in need have been stereotyped as lazy and dependent. Cash payments give them the breathing room to chart a better life
A guaranteed income gives people the mental, physical and economic benefits that come with a basic level of financial security — including the ability to
“Although there is now a little library of books on Basic Income, we believe that our effort is unique in that it tells detailed, personal
He is best known for his work on a Stockton pilot project that provided $500 a month to a small group of low-income residents. By Carla
How government-provided cash gives people the tools to solve their own problems. By Aisha Nyandoro and Natalie Foster As President Joe Biden prepares to sign the
The words in this video essay were authored by writer and UBI advocate Scott Santens. Video by Build The Floor. _____ To view original video
“Without UBI, I believe many feel the very capitalist system itself is in crisis,” says Govorner Lee Jae-myung. By William Gallo, Lee Juhyun SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA –
The Robots Are Coming for Phil in Accounting. By Helen Lyons The robots are coming. Not to kill you with lasers, or beat you in
By Helen Lyons Working towards a universal basic income is urgent, says Georges-Louis Bouchez, president of the conservative Mouvement Reformateur party (MR). Bouchez spoke about
“Social assistance provided as charity rather than rights do not prevent poverty but perpetuate it,” 92 groups have said in a joint statement. Several unions,
Under the plan passed Tuesday, $6 million would go toward a universal basic income pilot program in Councilman Curren Price’s South L.A. and downtown district.
Instead of reserving CARES Act stimulus funds for municipal operations — like everywhere else in the United States — Skagway leaders decided to redistribute most
The American Rescue Plan would temporarily expand the child tax credit for 2021: allowing 17-year-old children to qualify, increasing the credit to $3,000 per child
LGBT+ people have so much to contribute to our society—be it in enterprise, the arts or in our politics. But still too many of us
Opinion by Eric Levitz For weeks, a handful of moderate Democrats in the Senate have been fighting to prevent $1,400 COVID-relief checks from reaching their own
By Aria Bendix In Stockton, California, 125 residents got $500 per month, no strings attached, for two years. After a year, full-time employment among them
Ten senators want to make direct payments and unemployment insurance extensions automatic until the economy recovers. By Kevin Robillard Ten Democratic senators are pushing President
Unconditional cash payments to residents are more of a floor to stand on than a safety net, say these Carolina scholars in light of a
Anne Case and Angus Deaton provide a compelling account of the problem, but anemic solutions. The epidemic of deaths of despair will continue unless we
If medically assisted death becomes more accessible for Canadians, we have a moral obligation to make living well — through housing, mental health supports —
Sen. Dave Cortese proposes statewide basic income pilot; a pilot that includes foster care youth as they leave the child welfare system. By Laurence Du Sault
By Lorie Konish KEY POINTS A new coronavirus relief bill is in the works and it could mean a big payday for some families. New
The Green Party is proposing a basic income model that would give every Canadian a basic revenue source that could cover necessities such as clothing,
For so many people, financial insecurity is a constant in their lives, curtailing their life chances and causing chronic stress. As I have argued before, universal basic income could
We are public opinion scholars at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. We conducted a survey to try to understand how the first round
Bill C-273 is focused on framing, testing and validating different models of UBI implementation to get to real answers and data. By Roderick Benns Julie Dzerowicz,
Durham’s proposal to experiment with a type of universal basic income is moving forward. By Thomasi McDonald Councilman Mark-Anthony Middleton recently announced a plan to
One universal truth holds both pre-pandemic and now: The number one obstacle to escaping an abuser is financial insecurity. This article contains descriptions and discussion
By Melissa Repko KEY POINTS Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said more customers spent their recent stimulus checks on necessities, such as groceries, rather than big-screen
The expert panel would have benefited from a political scientist or, heaven forbid, one or two people actually living in poverty sharing the pen. By Hugh
One woman’s work to get UBI onto the screens and into the hearts of Americans. By Diane Pagen People who care about winning a Universal
“I wake up and I feel privileged that I may have a positive impact on the lives of other people,” said Yang on Wednesday. By Jenni
Ulster County Executive Patrick Ryan, Tuesday, announced major programs aimed at helping families get back on their feet as the county and the rest of
Recurrent, direct payments should be a permanent part of the U.S. recession-fighting arsenal. Opinion by Mark Blyth Early in the COVID-19 pandemic last year, just one
UBI, at its core, is an unconditional cash transfer that guarantees a livable income regardless of work status. This differs from Canada’s current philosophy on
Giving people money is a proven, fast, equitable strategy to spur economic recovery. The truth is, we need recurring stimulus checks in addition to established
Maybe such fat checks wouldn’t have been as necessary if the country had a more robust support system for its people. Opinion by Noah Smith Americans
“An eviction is not a single event in a person’s life. It actually changes the trajectory of a life, because it has such catastrophic implications
The human “fight or flight” response gives demagogues like Trump a tool for political manipulation. But we could replace oppression with a system of care. By Zach
Opinion by: Tim Cadogan As Congress debates a new COVID-19 aid package, millions of Americans are struggling to pay for rent, groceries, utilities and medical
By Diane Griffin, Brian Francis, and Mike Duffy Last spring more than 50 members of the Senate of Canada urged the federal government to implement
By Theo Wayt When governments in developed countries like the U.S. and Britain provide extra support for low-income people through tax credits and more generous
By Senator Ron Wyden The most visible—and popular—pieces of economic relief Congress has approved over the past year have been relief payments and enhanced jobless
By the Economic Security Project Members of Congress, mayors, organizers, small business owners, and individuals impacted by the pandemic participated in events across the country
A new report from AARP’s Public Policy Institute explores how the coronavirus pandemic has amplified chronic problems in long-term care, as nursing homes became COVID hotspots and hiring
By Anne Ternus-Bellamy Families with young children currently living in deep poverty in Yolo County would receive monthly cash assistance under a universal basic income pilot
By Jolson Lim Support for a basic income may be shifting from one end of the country to the other. Four senators are the latest leaders
The Family Security Act would offer up to $350 per month, per kid, to help parents raise their children. Opinion by Dylan Matthews In 2019, Mitt
The $1,200 Covid-19 stimulus checks last year were a breakthrough in US policy — and may signal a new course for US politics. By Dylan Matthews
Their output has ‘kept us all alive throughout this pandemic.’ But several blows have made the creative life too precarious. After a year of upheaval
By Greg Rosalsky As Washington debates sending checks to Americans and increasing the minimum wage, a new study offers evidence for how such policies could help eliminate
The Cost of Living examines claims made by UBI’s supporters and detractors and includes interviews with welfare rights adviser Barb Jacobson, the late anthropologist David
By Shahar Ziv The U.S. could afford to give every working adult $1,875 stimulus checks for eight months for the same cost as the tax
By Andrew Trunsky Even though President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief plan has been met with skepticism from some Republicans, more and more GOP lawmakers have
Georgia Sens. Raphael Warnock (D) and Jon Ossoff (D), both of whom won January runoff elections on the promise of a Democratic senate passing another
But who will pay? Two-thirds reject increase in their own taxes, most feel wealthy should be responsible June 18, 2020 – As the federal government extends
The left is eager to go big on the next coronavirus relief proposal. By Sarah Ferris More than 50 House progressives are pushing President Joe Biden
The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the understanding, acceptance, and implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs to benefit all
Fifty female celebrities, business leaders, and activists have signed an open letter to President Joe Biden asking for a “Marshall Plan for Moms.” By Zlati
“Given the current crisis and the need for the urgent decisions to address the devastating humanitarian crisis facing the country, it would be opportune for
If a Biden relief package isn’t open-ended, and tied to a full recovery, America is doomed to repeat last-minute partisan fights over aid. Opinion by Claudia
By Sean McElwee & Dawn Milam Amid an economic crisis and devastating unemployment that has families across the country struggling to afford basic needs, a
Republicans need to focus on policies popular with voters and with middle-class families, and we have to compensate both businesses and households for their losses
Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted this week that she was “circulating a letter to Biden” pushing for recurring payments. By Thomas Barrabi WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Ilhan Omar,
Biden earlier this month announced his intention to push for an expansion of the child tax credit as part of his $1.9 trillion economic relief package, and
The prefixes ‘food’, ‘child’ or ‘fuel’ make life for 14 million poor Britons seem easily fixable. In truth, radical action is needed By Aditya Chakrabortty
A decline in funding and changes in the workplace — and how long people are out of work — have left a program unequal to
Mayors for a Guaranteed Income, sometimes called “MGI,” was founded in June 2020 by founded by then-mayor of Stockton, California, Michael D. Tubbs. Meet the
Coloradans need real relief now. The more we can do to support struggling families and help boost our local communities now, the stronger we’ll bounce
An updated system of income and taxes would alleviate the worst crises the United States faces, including climate change. What’s more, we’ve got the numbers
Dr. King taught us that direct cash payments are a smart response to poverty and mass unemployment. In this crisis, we need to heed that
“Andrew’s commitment to a basic income is why I’m endorsing him, and why we’ve worked tirelessly to support Democrats across the country,” says King III. By: Jason Lemon
While enrolled in a universal basic income program, Patricia Jackson had access to a reserve of $3,200 that she was able to draw from when
Universal Basic Income did not disincentivize people from working. The results of this study contradict one of the most common arguments against UBI. By: Patrick Hoff
Yang is a Democratic candidate for mayor of New York. King is a civil and human rights advocate. By: Andrew Yang and Martin Luther King III
Andrew Yang favors a modified version of universal basic income that would provide payments of about $2,000 to a half million of the poorest New
Prioritizing direct monthly payments isn’t just good policy—it’s good politics. By: Sean Kline and Jim Pugh “It’s not hyperbole, you can change America,” President-elect Joe Biden told
By: Scott Santens Everything seemed to change in 2020, and yet in very important ways, what really needed to didn’t, which is what must change. It’s
Tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang, a former presidential contender, officially declared his run for New York City mayor. In a campaign video released late Wednesday on
The local organising committee for the 2021 Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress in Glasgow are very excited to announce our call for papers for
By: Li Jin Summary: Right now, the creative economy relies on platforms like YouTube and Instagram and it looks a lot like the U.S. economy —
The ECI is asking for a universal basic income that is unconditional, individual, and of a quantity that is at least equal to the poverty
Imagine how much healthier societies can function if a check showed up in people’s mailboxes to save them from destitution. UBI makes that a real
The idea of a UBI for all citizens is gaining traction because UBI gives us the freedom to say no. By: Vincent Lo Search Google
Post-Covid, we must build a new income distribution system that will provide society, and every individual, with much greater resilience By: GUY STANDING Covid-19 was the
The pandemic has exposed the systemic failures of America’s inadequate welfare state. It’s time to start over. By: MIMI ABRAMOVITZ, DEEPAK BHARGAVA The economic crisis that
By: Tarek Fatah My column last week endorsing a guaranteed basic income triggered a surprising denunciation by many as a “left-wing” writer with quite a
By: Patrick Hurley. – I read with real interest Anna Coote’s article earlier this week, which questioned the arguments and assumptions behind the policy of basic income.
Now, more than ever, we need a state that lifts people out of poverty and gives them the equality of opportunity to live a prosperous
By Ock Hyun-ju ——- Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung announces a basic income program designed to help residents and local businesses weather the impact of
Reality Check By: Gisele Huff, Founder and President of Fund for Humanity I despair. Because of the extraordinary, devastating circumstances in which we find ourselves,
Imagine, for a moment, that the robots have won. The year is 2049—the same year researchers once pegged as the one in which A.I. would
California Assemblyman Evan Low (D) introduced a bill this week to create a universal basic income in the state, giving residents over 18 years old $1,000
NEWARK, N.J. — Local leaders across the United States are turning to private donors to fund an out-of-the-box policy experiment they think could go mainstream:
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang promoted his signature campaign promise of a $1,000 “Freedom Dividend” for all Americans during Tuesday’s Democratic debate, arguing it would protect
Tech CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are talking up the idea of a universal basic income. But the American history of the basic
I am the daughter of a single mother, a mother who raised me and my sister with the help of food stamps, visits to the
The film directed by Álvaro Orús and promoted by Pressenza and Humanists for Basic Income, was premiered at the European Humanist Forum in May 2018,
Andrew Yang has managed to stay in the Texas Hold’em tournament past the first bubble. Unlike other outsiders, he hasn’t been voted off the island
Presidential candidate Andrew Yang on Tuesday fired back at Sen. Bernie Sanders‘s (I-Vt.) after the senator criticized him for his proposal to use a universal
The opportunity to fail is a privilege afforded to a narrow subset of Americans. Risk and reward are two sides of the same coin, and
Two competing (or, possibly, complementary?) proposals for resolving income inequality and the hole that four decades of demand-side Reaganomics has dug us into are Universal
Thousands of people could be put out of work by robots in reading in the next 20 years. Although the perception is that factory workers
James Collura was a recipient of basic income in Ontario’s recently cancelled Basic Income Pilot experiment. This is his account of what it was like
Proposing to give every American a basic income hurt George McGovern in 1972. Maybe it will work better for Andrew Yang. Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images
(An alternate version of this article was originally published in the Boston Globe) On December 2nd, 1942, a team of scientists led by Enrico Fermi
Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang is putting his money where his mouth is: He’s giving families $1,000 a month to promote his proposal for a
Each month, 1,000 struggling Chicagoans would get $1,000, no strings attached, to help break the cycle of poverty, under a trail-blazing pilot program proposed Thursday