Tag: Basic Income

A basic income can be a strong investment in mental health

A basic income can be a strong investment in mental health

Over half of Canadians feel “financially paralyzed” by the cost-of-living crisis, according to a recent poll. As life becomes more unaffordable for more people, we need governments to create policies that will improve public health and well-being.

The Freedom From Want and Basic Income

The Freedom From Want and Basic Income

Human beings are not game pieces. We are not theoretical abstractions. We are animals. And like all animals we have needs that must be met or we will suffer greatly and die.

Opinion: The Undeniable Common Sense of UBI

Opinion: The Undeniable Common Sense of UBI

UBI recipients gained enough flexibility to find better jobs, or complete higher education. And contrary to the thinly veiled racist claims that people given free money would become lazy and blow it on vices, the opposite proved true:

Opinion: Basic income is less radical than you think

Opinion: Basic income is less radical than you think

I’ve been following debates on guaranteed income for almost a decade, and one thing that’s stood out is that universal basic income (UBI), a regular cash payment to all citizens with no strings attached, is like a Rorschach test.

How Basic Income Will Impact Rent

How Basic Income Will Impact Rent

One fear about Universal Basic Income (UBI) is that it could cause rents to increase, partially or entirely diverting the benefit of UBI to landlords.

Artificial Intelligence + Basic Income = Innovation

Artificial intelligence + basic income = Canadian innovation

The recent explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the workforce. ChatGPT reached 100 million users in just two months after its launch. It and other generative AI applications have the potential to increase the efficiency of more than 50 per cent of all worker tasks in the U.S., with no loss in quality. A recent report estimates that AI’s boost to labour productivity can increase annual global GDP by seven per cent over a 10-year period.

The circle of obligation and the mandatory-participation “social contract” (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 12)

The circle of obligation and the mandatory-participation “social contract” (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 12)

Many people have imagined a workers’ revolution that cuts out property owners and establishes a true circle-of-obligation. As always, let me see the plan. Maybe it solves some of the problems I’ve mentioned, but no plan solves the insider-outsider problems inherent in politics. Wishful thinking about everyone becoming better people after the revolution won’t make the self-serving bias of people in power go away.

Are guaranteed-income programs in Illinois working?

Are guaranteed-income programs in Illinois working?

Thousands of Chicago and Cook County residents got $500 a month the past year from programs that are aiming to give people a little financial cushion.

When Jailyn Brown was selected to join a pilot program that gives cash to people struggling to make ends meet, the 23-year-old could hardly get enough hours at the retail store in Chicago where she worked to cover her expenses.

What if everyone were entitled to a universal basic income?

What if everyone were entitled to a universal basic income?

News that a universal basic income (UBI) is to be trialled at two locations in England, paying 30 people £1,600 a month regardless of their work, has sent shockwaves through the tabloids.

“Something for nothing” is the way working-class Conservatives have always described out-of-work benefits, with the implication that those receiving them were “spongers”. The idea of actually paying people a good subsistence wage, whether they work or not, is – well – just not capitalism.

Universal basic dividend as a form of welfare

Universal basic dividend as a form of welfare

Universal basic dividend (UBD) is a mechanism by which each member of a given society receives a regular payment, with no or very limited conditionality, typically based on recognising the value of common resources, or of public investment in the capitalist economy. This post explores the potential benefits and limitations of this idea, summarising the policy brief recently published by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.

Basic Income and AI-Induced Unemployment

By: Connor Axiotes (Adam Smith Institute) | Nikhil Woodruff (UBI Centre & Policy Engine) | Scott Santens (Humanity Forward) See original post here. ‘Automation has

RSA: Young People Need Basic Income

By: ELLIOTT JOHNSON and MATTHEW JOHNSON Many older generations in the UK have experienced an economic sweet spot in the course of their lives in

Update on the Catalonia UBI pilot

By: Peter Knight See original post here. The Universal Basic Income (UBI) pilot plan is one of the projects that the Catalan Government will carry out

LVT-UBI on the ballot in New Zealand

See original post here. New Zealand is suffering many of the same ills that afflict American cities. Tenants facing ever-rising rents, young people and ethnic minorities being priced

Why this S.F. Holocaust survivor supports universal basic income

By: DAN PINE See original article here: https://jweekly.com/2022/10/21/why-this-s-f-survivor-holocaust-supports-universal-basic-income/ Looking at Gisèle Huff today, elegantly dressed, perfectly coiffed, gliding from board meeting to board meeting, it’s

Is a basic income within reach?

See original post here. A new study was released today saying that Canada is closer than ever to a workable guaranteed basic income (GBI). In fact,

Analysis of the Family Security Act 2.0

By: JOSHUA MCCABE,  ROBERT ORR. See original post here. Policymakers are looking for ways to break the stalemate over extending temporary enhancements to the Child

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