Opinion: A Year After Biden’s American Rescue Plan, Kids Are Falling Back Into Poverty. Congress Is To Blame.
In December, the child tax credit lifted nearly 4 million children out of poverty. If it had been extended through 2022, it would have cut
In December, the child tax credit lifted nearly 4 million children out of poverty. If it had been extended through 2022, it would have cut
Residents of New Mexico should expect Child Tax payment to begin again in the next few days. Will other states follow them? By: Stephen Silver.
By: Andrew MacAskill Original Post: https://news.yahoo.com/brits-350-pounds-month-open-001431626.html (Reuters) -Britain will pay people to open their homes to Ukrainians fleeing the Russian invasion as the government moves
By: Jeong-Ho Lee. Original Post: https://lmtribune.com/world/south-korea-elects-yoon-as-new-president-in-hawkish-turn/article_16d2247b-f400-59f0-a242-d292a1eb3ae3.html Former top prosecutor Yoon Suk-yeol won election as South Korea’s president, returning the conservative opposition to power after five
By: Jerusalem Demsas. Original Post: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/22951092/land-tax-housing-crisis A six-word phrase keeps popping up on my Twitter feed: “Land value tax would solve this.” In response to the inefficient
The U.S. and its allies should create a new global fund to deliver cash to the growing flood of refugees. By: SIMON JOHNSON and OLEG USTENKO Original Post:
House Bill 2278 could help accelerate Hawaii’s transition from fossil fuels. By: Noel Morin Original Post: https://www.civilbeat.org/2022/03/carbon-cashback-good-for-the-planet-and-the-pocketbook/ Hawaii’s leaders are moving along one of the most
By: Stacey Rutland Original Post: https://income-movement.medium.com/oregon-lawmakers-drop-the-ball-on-basic-income-f924e7bb0ec4 A new bill introduced by Rep. Brad Witt in the Oregon legislature would have established a state-run basic income
BY: TAHRA JIRARI Original Post: https://www.niskanencenter.org/an-expanded-child-tax-credit-aids-entrepreneurship/ Despite the best efforts of advocates, the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) expired in 2021. Some in Washington, including
By: Iris Samuels, James Brooks Original Post: https://www.adn.com/politics/alaska-legislature/2022/03/02/lawmakers-propose-1300-relief-checks-to-alaskans-from-unexpected-boost-in-state-revenue/ Lawmakers in the Alaska House are proposing a plan to pay Alaskans an additional $1,300 on top of the
Means testing does not work like universal benefits, it denies people entitlements they have contributed to and are eligible for By: Peter Beresford Original Post:
A child tax credit bill has passed the state House in Vermont and has moved on to the Senate. By: Stephen Silver Original Post: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/politics/child-tax-credit-advances-vermont%E2%80%99s-state-legislature-200759
By: Stacey Rutland | Original Post: https://www.statesmanjournal.com/story/opinion/2022/02/18/dont-let-leaders-fail-our-most-vulnerable/6792301001/ During the current legislative session, the Oregon House Human Services Committee lacked the courage to move forward with
When kids age out of foster, they are at their most vulnerable. This is where UBI can do a world of good. By: Kenny Murray
By: Tabitha Mueller | Original Post: https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/reno-to-discuss-critical-need-for-affordable-housing | Amid growing unease about skyrocketing rental and home prices, Reno’s city council held a special meeting Tuesday
Data confirm that the Child Tax Credit is more effective anti-poverty legislation than many of its policy peers yet it has lapsed. What’s next? By:
Scheme could tackle inequality, promote fairness, Lee’s top adviser says By: Ko Jun-tae Original Post: http://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20220214000271 Bringing universal basic income to South Korea is central
Some in Congress say the child tax credit isn’t needed because Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a success. Our reporting found it’s marked by
New Survey Reveals Rising Family Poverty and Child Hunger As Second Month without the Expanded Child Tax Credit Approaches Original Post: https://parentstogetheraction.org/2022/02/10/new-survey-reveals-rising-family-poverty-and-child-hunger-as-second-month-without-the-expanded-child-tax-credit-approaches/ According to a
Although the efforts by Jack Dorsey focus on Bitcoin and more traditional options, the GoodDollar initiative has potential. By: Chris Smith. Original Post: https://knowtechie.com/how-jack-dorsey-and-gooddollar-both-envision-a-universal-basic-income-based-on-cryptocurrency/ The
The Fundamental Rights commission of the Constitutional Convention of Chile proposed 2 different articles to guarantee a basic income. There is reason to be hopeful.
Republican senators and representatives, including Utah’s Mitt Romney and Mike Lee, have signed on to ‘The Child Tax Credit for Pregnant Moms Act of 2022’
Some centrist Democrats are pushing to make the expanded Child Tax Credit means-tested. In practice, that often means restricting benefits for the very people who
America’s Endangered Solution to Child Poverty By: Kathryn A. Edwards. Original post: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-02-08/expanded-child-tax-credit-was-a-crucial-innovation The expanded child tax credit lapsed in December as the cost of
This week, Rashida Tlaib and Mondaire Jones introduced the End Child Poverty Act in Congress. It’s a watershed bill that would bring the US in
When wages are stagnating at the same time that big business is accumulating a staggering amount of wealth, it is an indictment of our democracy.
Carbon dividends must be coupled with educational efforts to inform citizens about how much the carbon price is increasing their costs and that the carbon
The concept of a universal basic income has received increased attention since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. But what do the public think about
Ideology is a frequent discriminatory stumbling block that fuels opposition to basic income support for millions of South Africans By Alex van den Heever. Original post:
Basic income support also helps boost investment aimed at improving nutrition, healthcare, housing and transport, the report adds. By: Sarah Smit Original Post: https://mg.co.za/business/2022-01-28-a-big-deal-universal-income-support-could-resuscitate-south-africas-economy-report/ Despite
Real headway is being made in securing a basic income for people with disabilities in Canada – and that’s good for the whole basic income
This pandemic is not the last crisis that the U.S. labor market is going to face. UBI offers protection for the American people when crisis
Participants in the proposed program would receive monthly payments for up to three years equal to the cost of rent for a 2-bedroom apartment unit
Londoners back policies for financial security through the pandemic By: Zack Polanski Original post can be read here: https://www.london.gov.uk//press-releases/assembly/zack-polanski/londoners-back-policies-for-universal-basic-income More than twice as many Londoners
By covering part of the cost of daycare, Child Tax Credit checks have allowed many mothers to continue pursuing a career despite the Great Resignation.
By Ja’Ron Smith Original post can be found at: https://www.westernjournal.com/op-ed-conservative-argument-reviving-child-tax-credit-covid-lockdowns-ravage-families/ One of the most significant impacts of the spread of the omicron variant of the coronavirus
By: Rick Newman Original Post: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/people-are-running-out-of-money-213744569.html One mystery of the labor shortage is the missing paycheck: How long can people choosing not to work last without an
People are being told they will have their benefits cut if they don’t attend job agency appointments, as government resists calls to pause ‘mutual obligation’
By: Stephanie Akin. After a largely self-financed campaign that promised “universal basic income” from the government of $1,000 a month to people making $75,000 or less,
By Max Ghenis Original article: https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/587590-democrats-should-be-courting-romney-not-manchin When President Joe Biden announced the Build Back Better framework in October, he called it “the most transformative investment in children
Momentum has grown for UBI-style programs By Sarah Holder Original article: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-28/the-u-s-cities-giving-residents-direct-cash-payments At least 20 guaranteed income pilots have launched in cities and counties across the
Parents and caregivers have put the money toward debt and household expenses, U.S. Census Bureau surveys have found. By Ella Ceron and Kelsey Butler Original article: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-20/child-tax-credit-2021-joe-manchin-opposes-aid-parents-are-using-for-food-rent The
Lee Jae-myung’s progressive platform in the presidential race could give transformative politics a boost globally. By Neil Howard Original article: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/12/20/radical-hope-coming-from-south-korea In the face of
Original article: https://www.ndp.ca/news/ndp-mp-introduces-national-framework-guaranteed-livable-basic-income OTTAWA – This morning, NDP MP Leah Gazan (Winnipeg Centre) introduced a private member’s bill to develop a national framework for a
By Prinesha Naidoo Original article: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2021-12-13-panel-proposes-gradual-start-to-basic-income-grant/ A panel recommends South Africa gradually implements a basic income grant, beginning with the institutionalisation of a monthly welfare payment
By Barbados Today Original article: https://barbadostoday.bb/2021/12/09/363485/ It appears that the Government is moving ahead with a plan to provide Barbadians with a universal basic income,
By Alex Shephard Original article: https://newrepublic.com/article/164668/media-defense-spending-build-back-better Speaking at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit on Tuesday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin issued a dire warning about the
By Alicia Adamczyk Original article: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/07/millions-of-kids-would-fall-into-poverty-if-enhanced-child-tax-credit-ends.html As Congress continues to debate the Democrats’ Build Back Better legislation, a new analysis finds that almost 10 million
By Jason Lalljee and Ben Winck Original article: https://www.businessinsider.com/corporate-profits-drop-lift-worker-pay-morgan-stanley-labor-shortage-2021-12 Workers’ share of corporate revenues has fallen for two decades to the benefit of owners and investors. The
Republican governors have decided to coddle vaccine refusers, even as they cut benefits for everyone else. By William Saletan Original article: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2021/11/red-states-are-now-paying-unemployment-benefits-to-anti-vaxxers-who-quit-their-jobs.html On Oct. 20, Iowa
By Terry Spencer Original article: https://apnews.com/article/elections-lawsuits-florida-fort-lauderdale-special-elections-3b0d9b0b3eb4eb26fdcd4520190aa5da FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The Democratic Florida congressional candidate who lost a special election primary by five votes
By Guest Contributor Original article: https://basicincome.org/news/2021/11/opinion-time-for-a-citizen-dividend/ Guaranteed income programs are popping up everywhere in the US. It is time to expand beyond local pilot programs and embrace
44% of respondents support the idea of a universal basic income compared to 23% who oppose it. By Basit Mahmood Original article: https://leftfootforward.org/2021/11/exclusive-voters-support-a-universal-basic-income/ Almost twice
By Moira Donegan Original article: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/19/great-resignation-mothers-forced-to-leave-jobs During the pandemic, women have exited the labor force at twice the rate of men; their participation in the
BY Khaleda Rahman Original article: https://www.newsweek.com/thousands-low-income-families-get-1800-child-tax-credits-next-month-1652387 Tens of thousands of low-income families who signed up to receive the expanded child tax credit before the November 15
By David Clunie and Samantha Tweedy Original article: https://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/economy-budget/582092-child-tax-credit-payments-at-current-levels-could The COVID-19 pandemic and unprecedented nationwide protests against racial inequity in 2020 shined a necessary light
In addition to its ethical imperative, economist and writer Evelyn L. Forget also believes and argues persuasively that such programs make economic sense By Tom
By Lorie Konish Original article: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/21/former-stockton-mayor-michael-tubbs-on-why-he-wants-to-end-poverty.html Michael Tubbs had the odds stacked against him while growing up in Stockton, California, as the son of a
Protesters march on National Treasury after budget last week By Mosima Rafapa Original article: http://www.groundup.org.za/article/activists-demand-basic-income-grant/ About 80 people marched to the offices of the National Treasury
By Mercy Karuuombe Original article: https://www.namibian.com.na/107462/read/8ste-Laan-youth-demand-BIG YOUTH living in Windhoek’s 8ste Laan informal settlement are demanding a basic income grant (BIG), while accusing the nation’s leaders
Family poverty has substantially declined thanks to the child tax credit By Arthur Delaney Original article: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/inflation-child-poverty-tax-credit_n_61940234e4b005197af7ddaa WASHINGTON ― Rising prices have crushed consumer sentiment and
Presidential hopeful wants universal basic income to ease economic disparities By Kim Jaewon Original article: https://asia.nikkei.com/Spotlight/Asia-Insight/Cash-for-all-Lee-Jae-myung-s-radical-plan-to-reshape-South-Korea SEOUL — Universal basic income, which has been gaining
By Peter Coy Original article: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/10/opinion/benefits-cliff-welfare.html You hear a lot about how high tax rates discourage rich people from working. You hear less about the same
Reporting by Chang-Ran Kim, Elaine Lies and Kantaro Komiya; Writing by Leika Kihara; Editing by Gerry Doyle and Edwina Gibbs Original article: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/japan-provide-880-cash-payout-minors-part-stimulus-yomiuri-2021-11-04/ TOKYO, Nov
By Cecilia Stuart Original article: https://greenresilience.ca/icymi-recapping-the-vibrant-communities-webinar-on-climate-change-and-basic-income/ Earlier this week, Green Resilience Project Manager Janet Patterfung and steering committee members Mitchell Beer and Jim Mulvale joined basic
By Helene Braun Original article: https://www.coindesk.com/business/2021/11/11/miami-to-give-bitcoin-yield-from-miamicoin-to-its-citizens/ The City of Miami will soon give out a “bitcoin yield” from the staking of its cryptocurrency to its citizens,
Original article: https://businesstech.co.za/news/finance/536516/unions-push-for-r1500-basic-income-grant-in-south-africa/ South African Federation of Trade Unions (Saftu) general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi has called for the introduction of a R1,500 monthly grant aimed
By Israel Nkuna Original article: https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2021-11-10-a-household-grant-is-a-bad-idea-a-basic-income-grant-is-a-necessity/ We don’t want a BIG out of laziness, we need it because, without it, our poverty will kill us. If
A Catalyst to a Healthy Clean Energy Future for All By Dr. Susan Pacheco, Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, and Dr. Carden Johnston On a hot summer
By Carmen Reinicke Original article: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/11/03/extending-this-provision-of-the-child-tax-credit-will-slash-poverty-by-19percent.html The expanded child tax credit, established in March by the American Rescue Plan, will be continued for just one
By Olafimihan Oshin Original article: https://thehill.com/regulation/legislation/579819-maine-voters-pass-first-right-to-food-amendment-in-us The voters of Maine passed the “right to food” state constitutional amendment on Tuesday, the first amendment of its kind
by Serkan Simsir Original article: https://basicincome.org/news/2021/11/a-new-project-from-fribis-universal-basic-income-and-gender/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=a-new-project-from-fribis-universal-basic-income-and-gender The Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS), a network of several faculties at the University of Freiburg, has expanded
Thinktank says higher pay, shorter working week or better benefits can help solve labour market crisis By Larry Elliott Original article: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2021/nov/01/uk-companies-must-offer-more-to-workers-or-face-exodus Companies need to
By Sara Zaske, WSU News & Media Relations Original article: https://news.wsu.edu/press-release/2021/10/28/poor-parents-receiving-universal-payments-increase-spending-on-kids/ PULLMAN, Wash. – When given cash with no strings attached, low- and middle-income parents increased their
By Matt Zwolinski Original Article: https://dailycaller.com/2021/10/25/zwolinski-the-child-tax-credit-is-a-pro-family-and-pro-freedom-way-to-help-parents/ Since July of this year, over 30 million families have received monthly cash payments from the Federal government under
Rep. Suzan DelBene of Washington state is the centrist Democrat at the center of everything. By Arthur Delaney | Updated October 23, 2021 WASHINGTON ― When a small
A work requirement would wreck the child tax credit’s impact on child poverty. By Arthur Delaney and Igor Bobic | Updated 14 hours ago WASHINGTON — It looks like
By Warren Mosler Original article: https://dailycaller.com/2021/10/22/mosler-alarm-national-debt-is-misguided/ As the U.S. public debt approaches $30 trillion, the same misguided alarms have been sounding that I’ve been hearing
President Joe Biden and leading Democratic lawmakers, including Colorado Sen. Michael Bennet and Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro, have been fighting to make permanent a child
Original article: https://www.gjsentinel.com/opinion/editorials/policy-would-help-on-climate/article_ad3c4cf6-3389-11ec-8bb5-132cd052b301.html A key piece of President Joe Biden’s plan to address climate change in his Build Back Better plan appears to be dead.
By Christopher Rugaber, Casey Smith and Larry Fenn Original article: https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-business-lifestyle-health-indiana-d3acd668eaf6343aada03cd660055bbc INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Earlier this year, an insistent cry arose from business leaders and Republican
By Matt Darling After a disappointing jobs report in April, Montana Gov. Greg Gianforte announced, “Montana is open for business again, but I hear from too many
By Joseph Zeballos-Roig and Andy Kiersz ANALYSIS Manchin is reportedly pitching a $60,000 income cap for families to get the Biden child tax credit. A new analysis
By Nick Maggiulli Why do poor people stay poor? It’s a question that everyone already seems to have an answer for. “The poor are lazy.” “The
By Hayes Brown We’ve hit the point in the legislative process where, even though the energy and the numbers are on the side of going big, centrist members
The benefits were handed out. But they don’t seem to be translating politically. In some cases, voters don’t even credit Biden for them. By Sam Stein
After the changes wrought by a deadly virus, people are realising that there is more to life than lining somebody else’s pocket. By James Bloodworth
By Joseph Zeballos-Roig A new study challenges Manchin’s assertion that the revamped child tax credit keeps people from working. The analysis found “statistically insignificant impacts”
By Hyung-Jin Kim SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korea’s ruling liberal party on Sunday nominated its candidate for next year’s presidential elections, selecting a
By Matt Darling A recently released research paper from the Becker-Friedman institute has challenged the consensus view that the new Child Tax Credit (CTC) program would have
By Bryan Walsh Experts in philanthropy are gradually coming around to the idea that simply giving poor people cash — rather than services or in-kind
A Resilience Universal Basic Income would guarantee economic security for every household in the UK as we recover from COVID-19 By Patrick Brown The end
By Samuel Hammond Budget reconciliation negotiations among Democrats have hit an impasse over Senator Joe Manchin’s worries about extending the Child Tax Credit (CTC) without a work
“I am trying to bring our country back together,” Yang told Tucker Carlson By Amy Nelson On Monday, former U.S. presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced he was leaving
New leader seeks to stimulate economy by wealth distribution, including cash handouts to people hurt by the pandemic By Peter Landers TOKYO—Japan’s new prime minister,
By Jason Lemon Fox News anchor Chris Wallace confronted Senator John Barrasso, a Wyoming Republican, over his support for expanding child tax credits under former President Donald
by Lee Herridge – Consumer Researcher at KLA The Basic Income Gant (BIG) is on everybody’s lips at the moment. The South African government has
Innocent Tshilombo, who spent 10 years at Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya, describes how attaching conditions to cash and voucher assistance can seriously impact its
By Karen Day It was the devastation of the Second World War that gave birth to the UK’s welfare state, and now, argues Louise Casey, the
Roderick Benns recently posed a few questions to Craig Berggold, creator of the recent basic income video that was an instant success. Benns: What was the inspiration for this
by Elaine Maag As Congress debates whether to extend the major, but temporary, changes to the Child Tax Credit (CTC) it adopted earlier this year,
Group calls on federal, provincial governments to work together on the issue By Haley Ryan A small but passionate group of people came together in
By Wilson Walker MOUNTAIN VIEW (KPIX) — Mountain View is just one of the Bay Area cities moving ahead with a guaranteed or universal basic income
by Carmen Reinicke The new enhanced child tax credit may help parents continue working, a recent study shows. Nearly 94% of parents said they planned to continue working
By: Wayne Simpson. As the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the deficiencies in income support systems in Canada, calls have been amplified for a Guaranteed Basic Income
By Richard Gurner Universal Basic Income (UBI). It’s a topic that has generated many headlines in Wales in recent months. The concept of UBI is
by Bloomberg South Africa’s government met Tuesday to discuss how to accelerate the country’s economic recovery and consider the most feasible way to provide further
The Canada emergency response benefit renewed calls for establishing a national livable income program By: Jaela Bernstien When the federal government launched the Canada emergency response
Some people support them, others reject them, here’s where the candidates stand With election day on Sept. 20, the time to make a decision is
By: Teresa Wright · Columnist Here we are, a week away from the federal election, and I can’t get a scene from the sitcom Seinfeld
As Democrats debate whether to extend the enhanced and fully refundable child tax credit (CTC) past this year, almost 450 U.S. economists have come out
By: Hyonhee Shin. A South Korean politician who once said he aspired to be a “successful Bernie Sanders” is leading the field to replace Moon
By: Arthur Delaney. The coronavirus pandemic threw millions of Americans into unemployment last year, leading to the first drop in household income from work since
As part of a composite motion to conference, Artists’ Union England is calling on the TUC to support UBI trials for workers in the creative
By: NATALIE FOSTER. There may be a lot that is still up in the air this back-to-school season, but there is one new constant for
By: James Brooks In five hours of public testimony late last month, a line of Alaskans criticized members of the Alaska Legislature for failing to come
By: Juliana Kaplan. Highlights After dismal jobs numbers in the spring, about half of states in the US ended federal unemployment early. But research has
Michael Moritz and Douglas Perkins are the richest people in Wales with combined fortunes of billions of pounds. Surely giving them a basic income makes
By: Johnna Crider. I had a short chat with Harold Hedelman, the co-founder of Business Climate Leaders (BCL), the other day. We talked about the
Appropriately funded and managed, with no wiggle room for state incompetency or corruption, a Basic Income Grant could finally lay the foundation for sustainable healing
By Michael W. Chapman In its latest survey on economic confidence, Gallup found that 60% of adults believe the U.S. economy is “getting worse” while only 37% think
Canada’s National Observer asked federal Green Party Leader Annamie Paul about hot-button issues in the upcoming election, and what Canada needs to focus on to tackle
by Tyler Prochazka After over a year of avoiding significant local COVID outbreaks, Taiwan experienced a scare in May with hundreds of cases emerging. This brought
The government could give all Americans benefits that enable them to purchase what they need for a balanced diet. And I have modeled three different
Actor Greg Wise has said it is time to end “toxic Victorian thinking” about the “undeserving” poor and introduce Universal Basic Income. By: Judith Duffy
Unemployed residents struggling to survive on low state benefits are a preview of what could come nationwide as federal pandemic aid programs expire By: Yeganeh Torbati
Pandemic a ‘natural experiment’ for universal basic income proposals By: Matt Wade The massive government support to JobSeeker and JobKeeper during the pandemic has given
By: LANCE LAMBERT As panicked states issued far-reaching shutdowns during the early days of the pandemic, the economy went into a complete tailspin. The immediate economic
Universal basic income has emerged as a major issue ahead of the presidential election, which is now just nine months away. BY: SHIM SAE-ROM, SOHN
Party says wealth tax would help cover its proposed services By: Catharine Tunney If elected, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is promising to bring in universal prescription
By: ANDERS F. FREMSTAD Many of us have publicly supported this position before. Why are we doing so again now? Global climate change has reached crisis
By: Contact: McKenzie Wilson Today, Fighting Chance for Families released a new poll of likely voters finding that people who have received the checks, and parents overall, overwhelmingly
In an attempt to put low-income workers on more solid financial footing, New Mexico lawmakers in recent years have approved a minimum wage increase and
Scotland is set to host the world’s largest universal basic income (UBI) conference this month. By: Craig Meighan Basic Income Network Scotland, in partnership with the
By: Michael Janda. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a social and economic disaster of almost unprecedented proportions in recent history. But, for one group of
Researchers estimate the expanded child tax credit will cut child poverty almost in half and poverty for Black Children by more than half. By: Sumbul
By: Greg Iacurci. ______________________________________ KEY POINTS: Homebase and UKG, which offer time-management and payroll services, issued separate analyses indicating employment hasn’t increased in states that
By: KEVIN CLARKE In the early months of the COVID-19 crisis, more than 1,200 economists from around the world urged governments in an open letter
The Center on Poverty and Social Policy’s research has helped to ensure that the poorest third of children in the United States receive the full
By: Greg Iacurci _____________________________________ KEY POINTS Federal unemployment programs that have paid jobless benefits since March 2020 are poised to end Sept. 6. It doesn’t
The Green Party has reiterated its calls for a universal basic income to offer protection for all, as the government risks the livelihoods of millions
Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar introduced two bills Friday that are intended to create a grant program to fund local income pilots, a national guaranteed income program,
By: Sheila Bair The writer is former Chair of the FDIC and former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for Financial Institutions. More and more
Economy minister hopes prepaid card’s September launch will help bricks-and-mortar businesses struggling after lockdowns. By: Zoe Wood Adults in Northern Ireland are being handed free shopping vouchers
The most comprehensive study yet of the federal response to the pandemic shows huge but temporary benefits for the poor — and helps frame a
Consumers are facing sharp increases in prices at check-out, but are these related stimulus checks and the new payments for the Child Tax Credit? By:
By: Katherine Rodriguez If you are wondering if the federal government is sending out a fourth stimulus check at this time, chances are, the answer is no. However,
By: Theresa Edlmann, Engenas Senona, Erin Torkelson and Wanga Zembe On Sunday 25 July 2021 President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the R350 Covid-19 Social Relief of Distress (SRD) Grant will
Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung, the front-running presidential contender for the ruling Democratic Party, made a campaign pledge Thursday to distribute universal basic income of
The videos of parents getting their checks aren’t just a fun meme — they suggest a path for making the one-year policy permanent. By: Dylan Matthews
Starting Thursday, the parents of 60 million U.S. children on Thursday began receiving monthly checks through the expanded federal Child Tax Credit. What lessons can be
The introduction of a universal basic income (UBI) and freeing Scotland from a “crazy” system of welfare which generates poverty is one of the great
Ending these programs will mechanically throw the majority of people receiving benefits off UI rolls. What’s the real cost in human terms? The evidence reports an increase
By: Tony Messenger The man standing under the bus stop shelter on Washington Avenue was looking around, seemingly aimlessly, until he caught my eye. I
By MICHAEL HILTZIK Starting Thursday, the money will begin to flow in one of the most important government initiatives ever aimed at transforming the economics of
Carter, Garcetti, and Tubbs are co-chairs of Mayors for a Guaranteed Income. Michael Tubbs is the former mayor of Stockton, CA. Eric Garcetti is the
The child credit in the stimulus package is just a temporary measure but it is like UBI for kids. Given the good it can do,
New book highlights the need to distribute jobs, income and other essential resources in a way that treats people who are young and old as
By: Steven Pressman Raising children is expensive. A typical middle-class, two-child family spends $13,000 annually on each child, or nearly a quarter-million dollars per child
T20 Task Force 6 Statement The pandemic has increased poverty worldwide so in response, there is global interest in UBI. Can it become a reality
Its creators want a crypto-based UBI and plan to use an eyeball scanner to prevent fraud. By: Victoria Song If you thought cryptocurrency shenanigans ended
Vowing to alleviate unfairness and inequality, Lee promises to turn crisis into opportunity with powerful policies By: Kan Hyeong-woo Gyeonggi Province Gov. Lee Jae-myung officially
The Commons Work and Pensions Committee has ruled Universal Basic Income is not ‘the right way forward’ for the UK – but only after a
The data trust could, for a fee, give controlled access to our data. Those fees would be collected and distributed to the citizens as dividends,
Some workers learned to stand up for themselves a bit more during, and due to, the pandemic. Will this trend last? By MATTHEW ROZSA One of
Red tape, fraud-prevention efforts, and overwhelmed agencies left many Americans without benefits. By: Shawn Donnan and Reade Pickert Barb Ashbrook, who lost her part-time job
The concept of monthly government payments to reduce poverty and increase economic security among the poor and middle class existed long before Andrew Yang threw
New data on consumer spending in the retail sector dipped in May after peaking in March with the passage of the third round of stimulus
Opposition Ishin pledges streamlined social safety net as election nears by consolidating social security programs into a single basic income plan. By: TSUBASA YODA Japan’s
The U.S. economy needs a sprawling labor force willing to work tough jobs at crummy wages to keep goods cheap and services plentiful. By: Ezra Klein
‘With UBI, individuals can determine what they need most, at the price they deem best’ By: CLARO ARRIOLA III The Philippines ended 2020 with poverty
The evidence is in: Sending out direct cash payments has been a full-blown success—and we can’t afford to stop. By: JIM PUGH It’s become almost
American cities are finally taking the safety net seriously. Is this UBI’s moment to make real progress? By: Sigal Samuel It seems like everywhere you look
Cutting off unemployment insurance early is all politics, not economics. This is why UBI is so critical. By: Emily Stewart Karen just needs a few more
Public support for Universal Basic Income is growing day by day. Can we get to the point where UBI becomes a political imperative? By: Alexandra
Tory Government snubbing Universal Credit proves we should free Scotland from UK By: Annie Brown A Caribbean friend of mine taught me a new phrase
Though imperfect, Covid support measures changed attitudes to those who have less money through no fault of their own By: Zoe Williams With an estimated
Despite political rhetoric, extra pandemic-era unemployment benefits largely don’t keep workers from accepting new jobs, according to a new paper by the Federal Reserve Bank of San
As a result of the the Pandemic, people are taking a hard look at the type of jobs they take and people are rejecting working
Cash transfers go directly to people in need, while health insurance expansions pay mainly for care that the uninsured already receive, an economist says. By: Amy
Government planning new basic income grant for South Africans aged 19 to 59 Social Development minister Lindiwe Zulu says that her department will move forward
New research finds a big rise in new businesses despite the pandemic, particularly in predominantly Black neighborhoods. By: Quoctrung Bui Over the last year, multiple stimulus
While not a single Republican voted in favor of the third stimulus check, only half of rural voters in a new poll gave Democrats any
The highest health burdens from overwork were seen in men and in workers who are middle-aged or older, according to a WHO study. Working long
Qualifying families will get monthly payments of up to $300 a month for each child under 6 and up to $250 a month for each
U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett should support legislation that would result in carbon dividends being paid to Americans while saving lives. By: MARK REYNOLDS AND JAN
To ease the pain of reforms the government is introducing a donor-funded scheme that aims to provide a temporary $5 basic monthly income to 80%
The American Rescue Plan lifted millions out of poverty and charted a new course for economic assistance by emphasizing direct cash relief. Is UBI next?
Nixon, Guaranteed Income and our future. How the 37th President Laid a Foundation for Monthly Cash By: Scott Santens ______________________________________________ This article appeared in Humanity
The middle class and low-income Californians are expected to benefit from UBI By: MAGGIE ANGST Gov. Gavin Newsom today unveiled plans to deliver a second round
Scores of politicians including almost half of Welsh parliament have signed UBI trial pledge By: Steven Morris Scores of politicians who won seats in last
The 2021 Korea Basic Income Fair, the world’s largest venue for public discussions on basic income, attracted more than 600,000 online and offline visitors before
Amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the government of Turkey will give citizens 1,100 lira income support. In the face of this one-time support, the
As UBI policy is actively debated across the country, perhaps hearing from the voices of high school students, the next generation, can point the way
GLBI could lift millions of Canadians out of poverty, giving workers leverage and empowering them to make their own choices By: New Democratic Party MP
Social change is often bottoms up, starting from people and then moving through the political process. UBI is no different and the people are speaking
With more than 160 million checks from the last COVID relief bill now delivered, Americans are asking if more are on the way. By: Travis Pittman
This post is an interview between Timothea Armour, Citizen’s Basic Income Network Scotland Editor and Teja Hudson, a zero waste consultant and founder of Zero,
Bill aims to give more freedom to families through better financial support in the forms of tax credits. Can it gain traction? By Evie Fordham | Fox
The American Rescue Plan has been hailed as a historic effort that will cut poverty by a third and child poverty by half. Congress can keep it going.
Unemployment insurance as a share of personal income spiked during the pandemic more than in other recessions. Time for UBI? By: Juliana Kaplan,Madison Hoff During
President asks Prime Minister to cooperate in providing MNT 1 million support to each household By: Baljmaa.T baljmaa@montsame.gov.mn The government of Mongolia, on April 8,
The Pandemic changed people’s thinking and now most would welcome government-sponsored job training and other interventions according to Pew Research Institute BY KAT DEVLIN, SHANNON SCHUMACHER AND J.J. MONCUS
The disconnect between poverty and unemployment is not surprising but as of last month, the U.S. poverty rate has been on an upward trajectory. It
The Liberal Party just passed a basic income resolution. So what now? By Claire Gallagher Liberal Party delegates voted to pass not one but two basic
As new $1,400 Covid stimulus checks roll in, Americans are using them to pay monthly bills, regardless of their incomes, a new survey finds. By:
SCOTLAND has a “radical opportunity” to introduce a universal basic income (UBI), with the next Scottish Parliament expected to have a majority of MSPs who
“We have to create an entirely new structure for the Internal Revenue Service. We are not historically a benefits delivery federal agency,” Rettig said on
By Andrew Trunsky After years of fiscal conservatism and deficit hawkishness, the Republican Party has shown signs of a shift toward a more populist, pro-worker
With 8.7 per cent of Canadians living below the poverty line and thousands more struggling to make ends meet, backers of this policy say a
Capitalism is the problem, social movements denounce on World Health Day. By Michele de Mello, translated by Ítalo Piva On April 7th, World Health Day,
Providing Canadians a basic income could cut poverty by almost half in 2022, based on the federal poverty line. By Jolson Lim A national guaranteed basic
By Greg Iacurci Nearly 2.4 million Americans were unemployed for at least a year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which issued its March
What doxo’s data tells us about how consumers are spending their third $1400 stimulus check. doxo’s data shows that once stimulus checks started to appear
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) admits they inflicted psychological harm on benefit claimants, engaged in unofficial sanctioning targets, and pushed disabled people into work
His Family Security Act, which would pay parents a monthly stipend as they raise their children, has united an unusually diverse swath of experts and
The bloc’s recovery efforts are falling short of those in the US. When European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented a landmark EU recovery
Former call center workers said that stopping fraud was prioritized over providing benefits. Opinion by the Tampa Bay Times Editorial Board It’s no secret that
Imagine a new model: a smaller number of American workers using labor-saving methods, who also get high wages out of a much bigger chunk of
Should the massive federal assistance have been more targeted? We should be glad it wasn’t. By Robert Shapiro Both progressives and conservatives criticized the three major
The Automatic Boost to Communities (or ABC) Act is cosponsored by U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal and is a long shot to say the least. By Todd
Artists make up just under 1% of the labor force—that’s more than the number of workers in either the auto manufacturing or utilities sectors. But
‘Payments may be making their way into mutual funds and ETFs’: Goldman Sachs analysts wrote. By William Watts Stock-market investors poured a record amount of money into U.S.
Pandemic parenting is impossible. American work culture is a big reason why. By Anna North Erica, an Indiana mom, was working part time last spring as
Opinion by Tarek Fatah The sight of the homeless sleeping on sidewalks in below-freezing temperatures is not an uncommon sight for those of us who
Ensuring everyone has decent public services and a guaranteed income could transform the UK after the pandemic Opinion by Anna Coote and Neal Lawson As Britain’s economy
By Joan Bryden, The Canadian Press OTTAWA — The idea of creating a universal basic income is being pushed by Liberal MPs and grassroots party
For too long people in need have been stereotyped as lazy and dependent. Cash payments give them the breathing room to chart a better life
He is best known for his work on a Stockton pilot project that provided $500 a month to a small group of low-income residents. By Carla
The words in this video essay were authored by writer and UBI advocate Scott Santens. Video by Build The Floor. _____ To view original video
“Without UBI, I believe many feel the very capitalist system itself is in crisis,” says Govorner Lee Jae-myung. By William Gallo, Lee Juhyun SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA –
The Robots Are Coming for Phil in Accounting. By Helen Lyons The robots are coming. Not to kill you with lasers, or beat you in
By Helen Lyons Working towards a universal basic income is urgent, says Georges-Louis Bouchez, president of the conservative Mouvement Reformateur party (MR). Bouchez spoke about
The American Rescue Plan would temporarily expand the child tax credit for 2021: allowing 17-year-old children to qualify, increasing the credit to $3,000 per child
Opinion by Eric Levitz For weeks, a handful of moderate Democrats in the Senate have been fighting to prevent $1,400 COVID-relief checks from reaching their own
Ten senators want to make direct payments and unemployment insurance extensions automatic until the economy recovers. By Kevin Robillard Ten Democratic senators are pushing President
If medically assisted death becomes more accessible for Canadians, we have a moral obligation to make living well — through housing, mental health supports —
By Lorie Konish KEY POINTS A new coronavirus relief bill is in the works and it could mean a big payday for some families. New
The Green Party is proposing a basic income model that would give every Canadian a basic revenue source that could cover necessities such as clothing,
For so many people, financial insecurity is a constant in their lives, curtailing their life chances and causing chronic stress. As I have argued before, universal basic income could
We are public opinion scholars at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. We conducted a survey to try to understand how the first round
Bill C-273 is focused on framing, testing and validating different models of UBI implementation to get to real answers and data. By Roderick Benns Julie Dzerowicz,
One universal truth holds both pre-pandemic and now: The number one obstacle to escaping an abuser is financial insecurity. This article contains descriptions and discussion
The hot debate about which federal agency is best suited to manage benefits for kids could impact kids for generations. By: Elaine Maag President Biden,
By Melissa Repko KEY POINTS Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said more customers spent their recent stimulus checks on necessities, such as groceries, rather than big-screen
The expert panel would have benefited from a political scientist or, heaven forbid, one or two people actually living in poverty sharing the pen. By Hugh
One woman’s work to get UBI onto the screens and into the hearts of Americans. By Diane Pagen People who care about winning a Universal
Recurrent, direct payments should be a permanent part of the U.S. recession-fighting arsenal. Opinion by Mark Blyth Early in the COVID-19 pandemic last year, just one
Giving people money is a proven, fast, equitable strategy to spur economic recovery. The truth is, we need recurring stimulus checks in addition to established
Maybe such fat checks wouldn’t have been as necessary if the country had a more robust support system for its people. Opinion by Noah Smith Americans
Opinion by: Tim Cadogan As Congress debates a new COVID-19 aid package, millions of Americans are struggling to pay for rent, groceries, utilities and medical
By Diane Griffin, Brian Francis, and Mike Duffy Last spring more than 50 members of the Senate of Canada urged the federal government to implement
By Theo Wayt When governments in developed countries like the U.S. and Britain provide extra support for low-income people through tax credits and more generous
By Senator Ron Wyden The most visible—and popular—pieces of economic relief Congress has approved over the past year have been relief payments and enhanced jobless
By the Economic Security Project Members of Congress, mayors, organizers, small business owners, and individuals impacted by the pandemic participated in events across the country
A new report from AARP’s Public Policy Institute explores how the coronavirus pandemic has amplified chronic problems in long-term care, as nursing homes became COVID hotspots and hiring
The Family Security Act would offer up to $350 per month, per kid, to help parents raise their children. Opinion by Dylan Matthews In 2019, Mitt
The $1,200 Covid-19 stimulus checks last year were a breakthrough in US policy — and may signal a new course for US politics. By Dylan Matthews
Their output has ‘kept us all alive throughout this pandemic.’ But several blows have made the creative life too precarious. After a year of upheaval
By Shahar Ziv The U.S. could afford to give every working adult $1,875 stimulus checks for eight months for the same cost as the tax
By Andrew Trunsky Even though President Joe Biden’s coronavirus relief plan has been met with skepticism from some Republicans, more and more GOP lawmakers have
Georgia Sens. Raphael Warnock (D) and Jon Ossoff (D), both of whom won January runoff elections on the promise of a Democratic senate passing another
But who will pay? Two-thirds reject increase in their own taxes, most feel wealthy should be responsible June 18, 2020 – As the federal government extends
The left is eager to go big on the next coronavirus relief proposal. By Sarah Ferris More than 50 House progressives are pushing President Joe Biden
The Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity, a non-profit organization dedicated to furthering the understanding, acceptance, and implementation of Universal Basic Income (UBI) programs to benefit all
Fifty female celebrities, business leaders, and activists have signed an open letter to President Joe Biden asking for a “Marshall Plan for Moms.” By Zlati
“Given the current crisis and the need for the urgent decisions to address the devastating humanitarian crisis facing the country, it would be opportune for
If a Biden relief package isn’t open-ended, and tied to a full recovery, America is doomed to repeat last-minute partisan fights over aid. Opinion by Claudia
Republicans need to focus on policies popular with voters and with middle-class families, and we have to compensate both businesses and households for their losses
Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted this week that she was “circulating a letter to Biden” pushing for recurring payments. By Thomas Barrabi WASHINGTON D.C. – Rep. Ilhan Omar,
Biden earlier this month announced his intention to push for an expansion of the child tax credit as part of his $1.9 trillion economic relief package, and
A decline in funding and changes in the workplace — and how long people are out of work — have left a program unequal to
Coloradans need real relief now. The more we can do to support struggling families and help boost our local communities now, the stronger we’ll bounce
Dr. King taught us that direct cash payments are a smart response to poverty and mass unemployment. In this crisis, we need to heed that
Prioritizing direct monthly payments isn’t just good policy—it’s good politics. By: Sean Kline and Jim Pugh “It’s not hyperbole, you can change America,” President-elect Joe Biden told
By: Li Jin Summary: Right now, the creative economy relies on platforms like YouTube and Instagram and it looks a lot like the U.S. economy —
Emergency benefits showed the value of ensuring all Canadians are guaranteed enough money to meet basic needs. Opinion by: Moira Wyton A basic income program
Terms like “covidiots” have become almost as familiar as “pandemic fatigue,” feeding into a widespread narrative of blame whereby the spread of infections is explained
Congressional Democratic leaders have already signaled they could use a legislative maneuver known as budget reconciliation to approve more generous economic relief for individuals and strengthen Obamacare. By:
A new poll by WeMove and YouGov shows that around two-thirds of Europeans want governments to put in place a Universal Basic Income (UBI) where every person
Sixty-five percent of respondents say they’d support recurring $2,000 checks, an idea still advocated by Sens. Ed Markey and Bernie Sanders, who along with Vice
For Republican pollster Robert Cahaly, December 23 was the day “the bottom fell out” for the GOP in the all-important Georgia Senate runoff that will
“The debate over $2,000 isn’t some abstract debate in Washington, it’s about real lives. Your lives, the lives of good, hardworking Americans,” Biden said. By:
By: Jemima McEvoy TOPLINE With 3 million votes already cast for the U.S. Senate runoffs in Georgia, state Democratic Party pillar Stacey Abrams, who has
OP-ED: Can the Covid-19 pandemic bring us out of the vicious cycle of working ourselves to death? By: Mohammad Tareq Hasan In today’s world, we
The virus shut down the world in a global economic meltdown. This is why UBI is being viewed as a viable policy across the world.
Ohio Senator Brown Joins Sanders in Delaying Senate Holiday Over $2K Stimulus Checks. Will it work? BY JEFFERY MARTIN Ohio Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown said Tuesday
BY KATHRYN WATSON The U.S. House of Representatives on Monday voted to pass a bill to increase the $600 stimulus checks to $2,000, with 275 members voting for
In the richest country in the world, nearly half of people who need help can’t get it. This is a wake-up call to the failure
Toronto palliative care doctor Naheed Dosani says that providing a ‘basic income’ to any Canadian who needs it addresses social inequities and reduces costs to
By: Tucker Higgins | @TUCKERHIGGINS HIGHLIGHTS: President-elect Joe Biden will seek a third round of stimulus checks in the next Covid-19 relief bill, he said
Democrats have been pushing for a $2,000 payment for months despite Republicans push back. Will the president’s potential veto get people more help? By: Lynn
There is a commonly held belief that poverty is not the result of any systemic failure, but the personal failure of the impoverished. This view is just
Latest data from the Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey has found that 3 out of ten Americans face eviction in the next two months. This
A majority of Australians would welcome a universal basic income, survey finds Key points: 58 per cent of Australians support a universal basic income The
Millions of people facing evictions, remaining unemployed, standing in food bank and soup kitchen lines. Our politicians didn’t do enough. By: Jake Johnson Democratic and
Gaps in the Self Employment Income Support Scheme and the Coronavirus Job Retention scheme have left many Equity members with no support at all since
The lack of long-term economic aid for unemployed workers has meant that incredible amounts of suffering are everywhere in America right now. We talked to
There is a real possibility to implement basic income in Taiwan. Sometimes, great change happens first in small places. by Tyler Prochazka Taiwan held its first-ever
For half a decade, fiscal policy favored stimulating the economy by giving financial incentives to upper income populations with the expectation that they will invest