Tag: Andrew Yang

Is UBI in New York City’s future?

We’re down to single digits. Eight Democratic presidential candidates remain after three dropped out this week: Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, former Gov. Deval Patrick

Push for UBI continues on

Andrew Yang’s bid for the Democratic nomination is over, but supporters of his basic income policy say his campaign was just the beginning. [“You know

Andrew and Evelyn Yang Sign With CAA

Since exiting the presidential race, the former candidate has joined CNN and launched his own advocacy organization. Less than a month after exiting the Democratic

Andrew Yang is out – for now

Right up until the end, Andrew Yang held out hope that New Hampshire would give his underdog campaign the jolt it needed. Voters there would propel him

The Fall and Rise of the Basic Income Movement

Forty years ago today—February 7, 1980—was a small milestone for the Universal Basic Income (UBI) movement: Milton and Rose Friedman dedicated an episode of their television show to a

Let’s Rethink What Counts as Paid Work

As artificial intelligence and automation multiply, so do dystopian predictions that millions of employees will become redundant, their tasks performed more reliably and cheaply by

UBI is Social Security for the 21st Century

It’s based on the dividends that accrue to Americans because of their everyday contributions as workers, consumers, caregivers and volunteers: Opposing view “Universal basic income”

Is Andrew Yang being unfairly ignored?

(CNN) Quick. Tell me the six highest-polling Democrats in the 2020 Democratic race. The first few are easy: Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders.

The Robots Are Coming…To Free You

In this series Luke explores the Eight Modern Giants introduced by Economist Guy Standing in his recent report Basic Income as Common Dividends. Here we

An Anarchist Case for UBI

There’s a common misconception that the idea of universal basic income is an example of bigger government, but as this anarchist case for UBI makes,

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