Harris proposes $6,000 tax credit for new parents

Harris proposes $6,000 tax credit for new parents

In a speech on Friday in North Carolina, Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris will propose a raft of progressive economic proposals that echo and expand on President Biden’s agenda, campaign officials said.

Opinion: Turning UBI on its head

Opinion: Turning UBI on its head

Many at the forefront of the technology transition are singing the same tune: as artificial intelligence and automation reshape our world, UBI will become not just desirable, but inevitable.

Pomona launches basic income pilot program

Pomona launches basic income pilot program

Through a lottery, the Pomona Household Universal Grant Program (HUG) will choose 600 eligible residents and assign them to two groups — a paid group and a control group.

Opinion: The Undeniable Common Sense of UBI

Opinion: The Undeniable Common Sense of UBI

UBI recipients gained enough flexibility to find better jobs, or complete higher education. And contrary to the thinly veiled racist claims that people given free money would become lazy and blow it on vices, the opposite proved true:

Opinion: Universal Basic Income for a Sustainable Future

Opinion: Universal Basic Income for a Sustainable Future

A collaborative study conducted by Stanford Basic Income Lab and the Centre for Guaranteed Income Research has compiled data from over 30 pilot universal basic income (UBI) programs across the United States, involving nearly 8,300 participants.

Portland, Maine Exploring Universal Basic Income Program

Portland, Maine Exploring Universal Basic Income Program

The Portland City Council’s Housing and Economic Development Committee recently released a draft of their 2024 Work Plan, which includes exploring the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI) and a possible increase of the city’s minimum wage to $20 per hour.

Norway to become next country to run a basic income pilot

Norway to become next country to run a basic income pilot

By providing a guaranteed minimum income to all young people under the age of 30 who are out of work or further education, the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration in this city hopes to encourage more people to enter the workforce. But will they bother to work then?

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘Universal basic income just makes sense’

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘Universal basic income just makes sense’

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘I grew up with the narrative that working-class mothers were the worst’
Hephzibah Anderson
The author on following her acclaimed debut Lowborn with a memoir about motherhood, why her next two books will be thrillers, and the power of toast to bring cheer

Financial stress linked to worse biological health

Financial stress linked to worse biological health

People who experience stressful life events or circumstances are more likely to have worse biological health, as indicated by biomarkers involved in the interaction between our immune, nervous and endocrine systems, according to a new study by UCL researchers.

One year of basic income in Minneapolis

One year of basic income in Minneapolis

A wave of experimentation in the way that U.S. cities, counties, and states support households with low incomes is sweeping the country, and Minneapolis is at the leading edge.

Humanoid robots will join BMW's production line

Humanoid robots will join BMW’s production line

BMW’s newest autoworker is 5’6,” 130 pounds, walks on two legs, uses five-fingered hands to assemble machines — and takes a break every five hours to stroll to a charging station and plug itself in.

Proposal would bar universal basic income programs in Iowa

Proposal would bar universal basic income programs in Iowa

Calling taxpayer-funded basic income programs “insane,” “socialism on steroids” and “an attack on American values,” a pair of Republican state lawmakers on Thursday advanced legislation that would prohibit such programs in Iowa.

The Child Tax Credit Is Back From the Dead

The Child Tax Credit Is Back From the Dead

Two years after the expiration of the expanded child tax credit, a pandemic-era policy that temporarily but dramatically lowered child poverty rates, federal lawmakers are close to a bipartisan deal that may reinstate some version of the credit.

Direct cash payments are changing lives in Cook County

Direct cash payments are changing lives in Cook County

Researchers at the University of Chicago have been studying guaranteed income programs in the region, but there are some results data alone can’t reveal. So, one Chicago-based sociologist spoke with people receiving monthly cash assistance to find out more about the difference it makes in their lives.

AI may be greater threat to wages than jobs, European study finds

AI may be greater threat to wages than jobs, European study finds

The rapid emergence of AI technology has fueled fears that people could lose their jobs to a deep learning machine that can perform their tasks more efficiently. However, new research suggests that so far, AI is actually creating jobs, though it may have a negative effect on wages. 

Opinion: Basic income is less radical than you think

Opinion: Basic income is less radical than you think

I’ve been following debates on guaranteed income for almost a decade, and one thing that’s stood out is that universal basic income (UBI), a regular cash payment to all citizens with no strings attached, is like a Rorschach test.

UBI vs. Negative Income Tax

UBI vs. Negative Income Tax

An NIT sounds very different from a UBI because, well, it sounds like a tax, not a benefit! But as we’ll see, in most circumstances, the two are mathematically equivalent.

What $500 a Month Means to Zinida Moore

What $500 a Month Means to Zinida Moore

In an experimental program, 5,000 Chicagoans received monthly cash payments from the city for a year, no strings attached. Here’s how the money changed one woman’s life — and how it didn’t.

How Basic Income Will Impact Rent

How Basic Income Will Impact Rent

One fear about Universal Basic Income (UBI) is that it could cause rents to increase, partially or entirely diverting the benefit of UBI to landlords.

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