Crisis 2038: The dystopian novel is now available as an audiobook

You can now listen to Crisis 2038 for free on SoundCloud! 

Fall 2038. A crisis is brewing as increasingly intelligent AIs and robots replace more and more human labor, leading to high unemployment and civil unrest. While politicians and the people remain paralyzed by tribal ideologies, two competing voices emerge with radically different solutions.

The author of this book, the late Gerald Huff was a vocal advocate for universal basic income. The fund made in his honor, the Gerald Huff Fund for Humanity raises awareness about the threats of technological unemployment and the need for universal basic income.

Crisis 2038 gives as a glimpse into a bleak future where the advancement of technology becomes more of a hindrance than a help, making a great case for why basic income is necessary.

Editor of Basic Income Today Scott Santens calls the novel “an all too realistic warning” about our potential future. Former Presidential candidate and friend of Gerald Huff Andrew Yang has also endorsed this book.

It is available for purchase on Amazon and the full audio book is available for free on SoundCloud.

Click here to listen:

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