Pandemic Wave of Automation May Be Bad News for Workers
The need for social distancing led restaurants and grocery stores to seek technological help. That may improve productivity, but

Delivery by Drone is on Its Way
Many Americans will receive their first e-commerce delivery by drone as more drones take flight. Changes inside and outside

Opinion: Selling our personal data can create universal basic income
The data trust could, for a fee, give controlled access to our data. Those fees would be collected and

How automation led to stagnant wages and inequality
Worker displacement due to automation is not new and has been around since the Industrial Revolution. What’s matters now

Amazon Hiring More Robots
Is more automation technology enough to improve working conditions or will it just displace more workers even faster? By:

Warehouses Look to Robots to Fill Labor Gaps, Speed Deliveries
Logistics automation companies say demand has grown during the pandemic as companies cope with big swings in volume and

Hiring troubles prompt some employers to eye automation and machines
Greater automation helped U.S. companies navigate the unprecedented disruption of the pandemic but at what price to workers. By:

Powell warns that workers will struggle to find jobs in new economy with more automation
After pandemic ‘this will be a different economy’, says Fed’s Powell By: Christopher Rugaber Still, Powell said many Americans who

Robot sales hit a new record during the pandemic year. This will change the world
While the COVID-19 pandemic will be remembered for many things, it may mark the official beginning of the age

OpenAI’s Sam Altman: Artificial Intelligence can generate enough wealth to pay each adult $13,500 a year
By Catherine Clifford Artificial intelligence will create so much wealth that every adult in the United States could be paid

The workforce is automating faster than expected, displacing 85 million jobs in the next five years
Some jobs will disappear and others will emerge as the world faces a dual disruption The World Economic Forum’s Future

Half of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality, a World Economic Forum report has forecast.
Half of all work tasks will be handled by machines by 2025 in a shift likely to worsen inequality,

Flippy the burger-flipping robot goes on sale
The pandemic accelerates the adoption of automation across industries including the food services businesses. The impact on workers is

Caterpillar bets on self-driving machines impervious to pandemics
Caterpillar’s automation strategy was not born during the COVID-19 era but the global pandemic is accelerating its rollout. By:

Pandemic-fueled automation is gobbling up jobs that will never return
The COVID-19 pandemic has had massive economic impacts in the United States, and one of the problems many companies

As Big Tech’s profits soar in the pandemic, it’s time to discuss sharing the digital wealth
Owning The Robots By: NATHAN GARDELS Well before the COVID crisis, it was clear that digital capitalism was divorcing

White Castle becomes first fast food chain to hire Flippy the robot burger flipper
White Castle becomes the first fast food chain to test out the robot fry cook, Flippy, from Miso Robotics

Microsoft Is Switching Out MSN’s Contract Journalists for AI
Microsoft Is Switching Out MSN’s Contract Journalists for AI By Alyse Stanley Dozens of contract journalists at Microsoft’s

From 1990 to 2007, each robot in manufacturing replaced 3.3 workers on average nationally
MIT economist Daron Acemoglu’s new research puts a number on the job costs of automation. Peter Dizikes | MIT

The rush to deploy robots as a result of the coronavirus outbreak
PUBLISHED MON, MAR 2 20208:57 AM EST UPDATED WED, MAR 11 202010:35 AM EDT Rebecca Fannin, special to

41 Percent of Companies Are Accelerating Plans To Automate As Coronavirus Forces Workers To Stay Home
Almost half of company bosses in 45 countries are speeding up plans to automate their businesses as workers are

New fast food robot costs $3 per hour
In a test kitchen in a corner building in downtown Pasadena, Flippy the robot grabbed a fryer basket full

The robots are here, they’re working in management, and they’re grinding workers into the ground.
In warehouses, call centers, and other sectors, intelligent machines are managing humans, and they’re making work more stressful, grueling,

Inside Amazon’s First Full-Blown Cashierless Supermarket
Is this the future grocery shoppers want? Jeff Bezos sure hopes so. The first ever Amazon Go Grocery — which opens

Garry Kasparov mentions the need to build new foundations because of AI, and that maybe it’s UBI
Garry Kasparov is perhaps the greatest chess player in history. For almost two decades after becoming world champion in

Gig economy traps workers in precarious existence, says report
Far from providing flexible jobs for complex modern lives, gig economy companies, such as Uber and Deliveroo, increasingly trap workers in a

The case against the flawed argument that automation is nothing to worry about
There are two general philosophical camps when considering the automated future: those who believe it will be a time

How the Next Decade’s Technological Tsunami Will Change Life as We Know It
This time a decade ago, there was no such thing as an iPad. There were no food delivery meal

More than 1.6 million secretarial and administrative-assistant jobs have vanished since 2000, an almost 40% decline
The Vanishing Executive Assistant Executive assistants once ran the office. Increasingly, the office runs without them. The decline of

Let’s Rethink What Counts as Paid Work
As artificial intelligence and automation multiply, so do dystopian predictions that millions of employees will become redundant, their tasks

Robot bartending company is handing out cash to the people it is replacing
There’s no doubt that automation is going to have a massive impact on employment over the coming decades. Whether

The Future of Work: A VICE News Special Report
The next Industrial Revolution is upon us, and scientists, entrepreneurs, and policymakers are warning of an imminent paradigm shift