Amazon Is Planning to Open Cashierless Supermarkets Next Year Inc. is preparing to open Amazon Go supermarkets and pop-up stores, an expansion of the company’s cashierless ambitions

The Impact of Robots on the U.S. Labor Market
Tuesday, November 5, 2019 The following post is the second in a two-part series on the impact of robots

American jobs are getting worse, new economic index shows
Although the U.S. is on a record streak for job-creation, many Americans still feel like they can’t get ahead

Research shows that automation trends may be widening the racial wealth gap
Research shows that automation trends may be widening the racial wealth gap. This article reveals possible interventions that may

Wages are flatlining as technology performs skilled labor, pushing workers into underemployment
Wages are flatlining because companies are scrapping swathes of mid-tier positions – replacing them with algorithms and cheap offshore

The Rise of Robotic Process Automation: How Daniel Dines Of UiPath Became The First Bot Billionaire
The man who at once epitomizes the hottest new growth area in tech and the burgeoning hopes for entrepreneurship

As AI gets better at performing the routine tasks traditionally done by humans, only the hardest ones will be left
When machines start picking off all the easy work for themselves, many white-collar jobs are going to get a

Fast-food industry on a path to be the first to fully automate
KEY POINTS: • Panera Bread loses close to 100% of its workers every year. • For fast-food chains employee

The Robots Are Coming…To Free You
In this series Luke explores the Eight Modern Giants introduced by Economist Guy Standing in his recent report Basic

Automation Could Force Millions of Women to Find New Jobs
The study, released Tuesday, shows technological advancements affect the genders nearly evenly. That finding upends the notion that automation hits

Code-breaking quantum computers are significantly closer to reality than anyone suspected
Many people worry that quantum computers will be able to crack certain codes used to send secure messages. The

Why are populists talking about trade instead of the tech revolution?
This week’s nightmare is the arrival of Boris Johnson; the autumn brings the Brexit watershed. Soon after, the 2020

Universal Basic Income and the Philosophy of Freedom in the Age of Automation
“Work is the best remedy for any shock,” wrote Arthur C. Clarke in his classic novel, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The future began four decades ago
If you’re an optimist about the robotic future, you likely hear talk that we’re all going to lose our

Automation could widen disparities between high-growth cities and struggling rural areas, and between high-wage workers and everyone else
Advancing technology and automation are likely to hit rural areas and the middle class hardest, according to a new

Robotization will add $5T to the world economy by 2030, but job losses will require programs like UBI to distribute the robotics dividend
Robots could take over 20 million manufacturing jobs around the world by 2030, economists claimed Wednesday. According to a

Opinion: Changing my Mind about AI, Universal Basic Income, and the Value of Data
In this very lengthy and incredibly thought-provoking think-piece, Vi Hart, former researcher at YC Research and current researcher at

Self-driving cars in Las Vegas have already completed 50,000 rides with the average ride receiving a rating of 4.97 out of 5 stars
Originally published June 3rd. A little more than a year ago, self-driving software company Aptiv and Lyft launched a

OECD Employment Outlook 2019
The world is changing at lightning speed. Digitalisation, globalisation and demographic changes are having a profound impact on our

In Middle of Trade War, America’s Busiest Port Gets Ready for Robots
Article originally published May 20, 2019. Pier 400 in Los Angeles is North America’s largest shipping terminal. More than Inc is rolling out machines to automate a job held by thousands of its workers: boxing up customer orders.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Inc is rolling out machines to automate a job held by thousands of its

Axios special report … The new gig: America’s hidden economy
More Americans are working than ever before, but a growing number of them aren’t 9-to-5 employees, nor skilled freelancers

How the World Can Prepare for Automation in the Future
Robert Schiller is one of the most well-known economists in the world. In the past, he has made bold

Walmart unveils an AI-powered store of the future, now open to the public
Walmart this morning unveiled a new “store of the future” and test grounds for emerging technologies, including AI-enabled cameras

Job losses and flat wages caused by automation in manufacturing states influenced the outcome of the 2016 presidential election
The robots are coming, and they’re bearing pizzas – or soon will be. In a pilot program that could

Amazon’s warehouse-worker tracking system can automatically pick people to fire without a human supervisor’s involvement
• Amazon employs a system that not only tracks warehouse workers’ productivity but also can automatically generate the paperwork

The Future of Work Could Bring More Inequality, Social Tensions
VIEW THE VIDEO HERE Almost half of all jobs could be wiped out or radically altered in the next

Tesla Robo Taxis: How Elon Musk Says They Will Work — and When
Tesla has imbued its cars with the hardware necessary to become fully self-driving. Now, it wants to make it

The retail apocalypse has claimed 6,000 US stores in 2019 so far, more than the number that shut down in all of 2018
• More store closings have been announced already this year than in all of 2018, according to new research.

Over the last three decades, automation has destroyed more jobs than it has created
A drumbeat of studies has pushed back hard against concern over the accelerated automation of factories and other businesses,

Walmart is assembling an army of thousands of robots that it’s putting to work in its stores
Walmart is going all-in on robots. In a statement released on its blog on Tuesday, the retail giant said

Obama: Consider a universal basic income.
In his first major speech since leaving office, former President Barack Obama endorsed the idea of providing a universal