Tag: Workforce

Artificial Intelligence + Basic Income = Innovation

Artificial intelligence + basic income = Canadian innovation

The recent explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the workforce. ChatGPT reached 100 million users in just two months after its launch. It and other generative AI applications have the potential to increase the efficiency of more than 50 per cent of all worker tasks in the U.S., with no loss in quality. A recent report estimates that AI’s boost to labour productivity can increase annual global GDP by seven per cent over a 10-year period.

Child Tax Credit Is Driving Americans Toward Entrepreneurship

By Andrew Trunsky Original article: https://dailycaller.com/2021/12/07/child-tax-credit-driving-americans-toward-entrepreneurship-little-effect-on-workforce/ A new study suggests that the child tax credit is not reducing overall employment nationwide but is driving some

Where are the workers? Cutoff of jobless aid spurs no influx

By Christopher Rugaber, Casey Smith and Larry Fenn Original article: https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-business-lifestyle-health-indiana-d3acd668eaf6343aada03cd660055bbc INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Earlier this year, an insistent cry arose from business leaders and Republican

Towards a post-toil world

OP-ED: Can the Covid-19 pandemic bring us out of the vicious cycle of working ourselves to death? By: Mohammad Tareq Hasan In today’s world, we

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