What Happens When You Give 6,000 Americans Guaranteed Basic Income? The Results Are In
By: Kristi Pahr In nearly two dozen cities around the country, 6,000 low-income individuals and families have been taking part in pilot studies to test
By: Kristi Pahr In nearly two dozen cities around the country, 6,000 low-income individuals and families have been taking part in pilot studies to test
By: An-Li Herring See original post here. Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey’s administration cited unspecified legal concerns when it announced in April that it had killed a plan
Red Chamber grappling with a flood of messages claiming basic income is a plot by a shadowy global elite By: John Paul Tasker · See original
Lee Jae-myung’s progressive platform in the presidential race could give transformative politics a boost globally. By Neil Howard Original article: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2021/12/20/radical-hope-coming-from-south-korea In the face of
By Alex Shephard Original article: https://newrepublic.com/article/164668/media-defense-spending-build-back-better Speaking at The Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council Summit on Tuesday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin issued a dire warning about the
By Joseph Zeballos-Roig and Andy Kiersz ANALYSIS Manchin is reportedly pitching a $60,000 income cap for families to get the Biden child tax credit. A new analysis
We’re down to single digits. Eight Democratic presidential candidates remain after three dropped out this week: Senator Michael Bennet of Colorado, former Gov. Deval Patrick
There are two general philosophical camps when considering the automated future: those who believe it will be a time where massive numbers of jobs eliminated
Andrew Yang’s plan to provide $1,000 in government-sponsored payments to every American adult each month — an “allowance for grown-ups,” as some have called it
In this piece, author Jessica Flanigan makes the case that UBI is a better solution than raising the minimum wage, because UBI reaches all workers,
Proposing to give every American a basic income hurt George McGovern in 1972. Maybe it will work better for Andrew Yang. Photo: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images