Leaders to consider Guaranteed Income program for some families in Albuquerque
They would focus on children and their families at Whittier Elementary School in the International District and Carlos Rey Elementary School in the southwest area.
They would focus on children and their families at Whittier Elementary School in the International District and Carlos Rey Elementary School in the southwest area.
Today, Creatives Rebuild New York — in partnership with Win, Children’s Defense Fund-New York, and other advocates — announced the formation of the New York State Cash Alliance.
ASHEVILLE – The city and county reparations commission has voted unanimously for guaranteed income for some residents, handing that and other recommendations up to local elected officials.
Data is in for the nation’s first mayor-led guaranteed income pilot to use public dollars, and results show positive trends in employment, physical and mental health, and other indicators of well-being and quality of life.
Guaranteed income pilot programs are springing up across the country, including here in Maine, and a campaign to create the building blocks for a statewide program in Maine is ramping up.
I’ve been following debates on guaranteed income for almost a decade, and one thing that’s stood out is that universal basic income (UBI), a regular cash payment to all citizens with no strings attached, is like a Rorschach test.
By Becca Costello See original post here. A trio of proposed pilot programs aims to improve financial empowerment for Cincinnati residents. For about $2.1 million in
By: Janelle Nanos In August 2021, Camp Harbor View launched an experiment: Giving $583 a month to 50 lower-income families in Boston, no strings attached.
By: Sarah Krueger Tydricka Lewis is appreciative of the $600 she’s given each month as part of Durham’s guaranteed basic income program. “It has impacted
By Adam Shanks | Examiner staff writer Because of a flawed ballot measure, hopes have been dashed for a new tax that would fund universal basic
Guaranteed income programs have seen a recent surge in interest from politicians and members of the public. Here’s why. Read original post at: https://www.sacbee.com/news/equity-lab/article257602068.html BY
The pilot organizers of Hudson’s basic income pilot hope that gathering five years of results will show how much human potential extra money can unleash.
By Amy Russo Original article: https://news.yahoo.com/providences-guaranteed-income-kicks-off-181321521.html PROVIDENCE — The city’s guaranteed income program saw more than 4,000 applicants for 110 spots, the city announced Wednesday, giving a
By Chris Jennewein Original article: https://timesofsandiego.com/politics/2021/12/03/legislature-appropriates-1-4-million-for-san-diego-guaranteed-income-project/ California will appropriate $1.4 million for the first test of a local guaranteed income project to help support 150 needy families in
By Jesse Bedayn Original article: https://www.newsbreak.com/news/2448685525609/500-a-month-without-strings-bay-area-s-latest-guaranteed-income-program?_f=app_share&s=a99&share_destination_id=MTUzNTUzMjU4LTE2MzgzMDcyOTEyNzU=&pd=0AOIDSZ0&hl=en_US South San Francisco this month sent out the first $500 monthly checks to around 150 low-income families to spend however
Hundreds of Atlanta residents are expected to receive guaranteed income for an entire year following the approval of a new pilot program. By Hunter Boyce
By Guest Contributor Original article: https://basicincome.org/news/2021/11/opinion-time-for-a-citizen-dividend/ Guaranteed income programs are popping up everywhere in the US. It is time to expand beyond local pilot programs and embrace
by Katie Fleischer COVID-19 and the unprecedented economic crisis it caused made 2020 one of the most economically challenging years for communities across the country. Almost
At least 11 U.S. cities are piloting UBI programs to give some of their residents direct cash payments, no strings attached. By: Sarah Holder Giving
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. lawmakers may need to think of different ways to put money in Americans’ pockets if coronavirus aid does not reach enough
Skeptics of guaranteed income tend to worry about the policy’s inflationary effects; absent rent regulation, for instance, one might expect housing costs to rise in