The Foundation of UBI | Universal Basic Income Discussions with Gerald Huff (video)
This is the 1st part of a video series about Universal Basic Income, based on an interview given by

A neoliberal argument for UBI based on individual freedom and property rights
A moral case for Universal Basic Income A neoliberal argument for UBI based on individual freedom and property rights

Q&A with author of ‘Our Future: The Basic Income Plan for Peace, Justice, Liberty, Democracy, and Personal Dignity’
Making the Case for Universal Basic Income: An Author Q&A By Carl M. Cannon I recently interviewed

Andrew Yang on his best career advice, the rise of the ‘Yang Gang,’ and why universal basic income could fix American entrepreneurship
Andrew Yang on his best career advice, the rise of the ‘Yang Gang,’ and why universal basic income could

Social psychology Ph.D. student at Stanford shares her research on universal basic income
Social psychology Ph.D. student shares research on universal basic income By Sophie Regan Catherine Thomas, a social psychology Ph.D.

Universal Basic Income to safeguard our future
by Ronnie Cowan MP If any good is to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic it may be

Becoming America
America has a critical flaw. We know how to fix it. It’s the policy that makes our shared dream

How Universal Basic Income Will Save the Economy
Until recently, the idea lived on the political margins. Then the pandemic changed everything BY MAX FAWCETT HOW YOU

Payment Guaranteed: How Would Universal Basic Income Affect Business?
Payment Guaranteed: How Would Universal Basic Income Affect Business? By Adam Uzialko, Writer What if once a month for the

Universal Basic Income is older than you think, but coronavirus gave it wings
In the darkest hour of the coronavirus pandemic, in the face of an expected 30 percent unemployment rate and a likely

How and Why a Fed-Financed UBI Would Not Lead to Inflation
According to an April 6 article on, Spain is slated to become the first country in Europe to introduce a

The US Has the Productive Capacity to Make UBI a Reality
Universal basic income — a monthly payment to everyone sufficient to meet basic needs — could end poverty overnight.

Editorial: The Future of the United States Depends on the Immediate Adoption of UBI
Flatten the curve… We’ve heard that phrase repeatedly as a result of the novel coronavirus in regards to the

Life, Liberty, and Universal Basic Income
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their

Universal basic income is about universal basic security
Imagine, for a moment, that the robots have won. The year is 2049—the same year researchers once pegged as

We All Deserve An Income Floor: Why the Bold Policy of Basic Income Works
If guaranteed income is an attempt to provide people with more resources—resources that come with very few restrictions—it demands

The Fall and Rise of the Basic Income Movement
Forty years ago today—February 7, 1980—was a small milestone for the Universal Basic Income (UBI) movement: Milton and Rose Friedman dedicated

How a VAT could tax the rich and pay for universal basic income
The Congressional Budget Office just projected a series of $1 trillion budget deficits—as far as the eye can see. Narrowing

Canada can end poverty and shrink inequality by adding an annual basic income guarantee of $22K, new report says
Canada can afford to eliminate poverty, support the middle class and dramatically shrink the gap between the rich and

The Decade of Universal Basic Income
One thing to celebrate from the 21st-century “teens” – the rise of universal basic income (UBI). We’ve started a

New working paper explores a UBI in NYC and finds it would not lead to housing inflation
Skeptics of guaranteed income tend to worry about the policy’s inflationary effects; absent rent regulation, for instance, one might

The UBI Maze | Reflections on ‘The Future of Work, Technology and Basic Income
Universal Basic Income (UBI) is the proposal that the state should provide a guaranteed income floor to everybody, as

Eleven Nobel Laureates Who Have Endorsed Universal Basic Income
The idea of an unconditional basic income (UBI) floor where everyone starts with the same minimum amount of money as everyone

The crazy, true story of Nixon and basic income
Tech CEOs like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk are talking up the idea of a universal basic income. But

Opinion: The biggest threat to freedom in the world today is economic destitution
Here political philosopher and economist Karl Widerquist argues that UBI is required as compensation for the creation of property

UBI is Social Security for the 21st Century
It’s based on the dividends that accrue to Americans because of their everyday contributions as workers, consumers, caregivers and

The documentary, ‘UBI, our right to live’, now available online
The film directed by Álvaro Orús and promoted by Pressenza and Humanists for Basic Income, was premiered at the

Introducing the UBI Calculator Version 1.0
How will universal basic income impact you? Well, the answer to that question depends on the details of the

An unconditional basic income floor permits everyone to fail. And that’s a good thing.
The opportunity to fail is a privilege afforded to a narrow subset of Americans. Risk and reward are two

Instead of personal tax credits, everyone in Ireland could start each week with €75 ($84)
Give everyone €75 a week. All adults regardless of whether they are in employment or not, regardless of their

Basic Income as a Policy Lever: Can UBI Reduce Crime?
The idea of a universal basic income (UBI)—an unconditional payment, without means-test or work requirement—has recently seen a resurgence

Why Legendary Economists Have Liked Universal Basic Income.
Is socialism on the march in the U.S., as President Donald Trump warned in the State of the Union