A basic income scheme for the developing world
If Brazil’s scheme became permanent it would set a global example, as ‘bolsa familia’ did in the 2000s
If Brazil’s scheme became permanent it would set a global example, as ‘bolsa familia’ did in the 2000s
Universal basic dividend (UBD) is a mechanism by which each member of a given society receives a regular payment, with no or very limited conditionality, typically based on recognising the value of common resources, or of public investment in the capitalist economy. This post explores the potential benefits and limitations of this idea, summarising the policy brief recently published by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.
By: ALISHA ROE When I applied to be part of a new guaranteed income program in my city, I was skeptical anyone would want to
By: NEIL COLEMAN Views are sharply polarised, with unions and civil society campaigning for the introduction of a BIG starting at a minimum of the
Jamie Swift and Elaine Power’s book offers a compelling argument that it’s time to give Canadians more freedom and security. By: Paloma Pacheco “The good
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) admits they inflicted psychological harm on benefit claimants, engaged in unofficial sanctioning targets, and pushed disabled people into work
Ensuring everyone has decent public services and a guaranteed income could transform the UK after the pandemic Opinion by Anna Coote and Neal Lawson As Britain’s economy
By Melissa Repko KEY POINTS Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said more customers spent their recent stimulus checks on necessities, such as groceries, rather than big-screen
One woman’s work to get UBI onto the screens and into the hearts of Americans. By Diane Pagen People who care about winning a Universal
Ulster County Executive Patrick Ryan, Tuesday, announced major programs aimed at helping families get back on their feet as the county and the rest of
Recurrent, direct payments should be a permanent part of the U.S. recession-fighting arsenal. Opinion by Mark Blyth Early in the COVID-19 pandemic last year, just one
UBI, at its core, is an unconditional cash transfer that guarantees a livable income regardless of work status. This differs from Canada’s current philosophy on
Giving people money is a proven, fast, equitable strategy to spur economic recovery. The truth is, we need recurring stimulus checks in addition to established
Maybe such fat checks wouldn’t have been as necessary if the country had a more robust support system for its people. Opinion by Noah Smith Americans
A universal basic income, free public transport for students and light rail systems for Cork and Galway are amongst the promises being made by the Green Party.
The April 2019 elections in Finland saw a shift away from the status quo and the resulting government now counts with the Green League as