Aisha Nyandoro Showed America What Happens When You Give Mothers Cash
Money—the type that can be spent on anything—has been out of favor as a method of helping impoverished Americans.
Money—the type that can be spent on anything—has been out of favor as a method of helping impoverished Americans.
A basic income allowed Hope Davis to get back on her feet and give back to her community.
A New Mexico guaranteed basic income program offered immigrant and undocumented households across the state $500 a month for a year.
Houston’s basic-income program faces shutdown after Texas’ attorney general labels it “unconstitutional.”
Harris County’s guaranteed basic income program received more than 82,000 applications from residents before the online portal closed earlier this month
The Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission announced that a guaranteed income pilot would finally come to Fresno County after the area missed out on funding from the state last year.
Program doesn’t just support individuals but has ‘ripple effects for communities,’ Coun. Jen Vasic says
Fairfax County will be piloting a guaranteed income program for residents in select ZIP codes, offering $750 per month to 180 families for 15 months starting in 2024.