Basic Income latest news

The Child Tax Credit Is Back From the Dead

The Child Tax Credit Is Back From the Dead

Two years after the expiration of the expanded child tax credit, a pandemic-era policy that temporarily but dramatically lowered child poverty rates, federal lawmakers are close to a bipartisan deal that may reinstate some version of the credit.

Direct cash payments are changing lives in Cook County

Direct cash payments are changing lives in Cook County

Researchers at the University of Chicago have been studying guaranteed income programs in the region, but there are some results data alone can’t reveal. So, one Chicago-based sociologist spoke with people receiving monthly cash assistance to find out more about the difference it makes in their lives.

AI may be greater threat to wages than jobs, European study finds

AI may be greater threat to wages than jobs, European study finds

The rapid emergence of AI technology has fueled fears that people could lose their jobs to a deep learning machine that can perform their tasks more efficiently. However, new research suggests that so far, AI is actually creating jobs, though it may have a negative effect on wages. 

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