The Freedom From Want and Basic Income
Human beings are not game pieces. We are not theoretical abstractions. We are animals. And like all animals we have needs that must be met or we will suffer greatly and die.

Universal basic income: ‘The power to say no and the freedom to say yes’
Scott Santens is the founder and CEO of the U.S.-based Income to Support All (ITSA) Foundation, and has been researching and advocating for Universal Basic Income (UBI) since 2013.

Study Universal Basic Income at the University of Sydney
In 2025, the the School of Social and Political Sciences (SSPS) at the University of Sydney will offer the first unit of study focused on Universal Basic Income (UBI) to be taught at a university in Australasia.

Is universal basic income about to transform society?
The concept of a guaranteed income is gaining traction as a solution to the impact of AI and way to encourage more rewarding and socially valuable work

Exploring Universal Basic Income and Its Implementation
In recent years, economic inequality has increased along with housing costs, inflation and mass layoffs, all of which have significantly impacted the economic well-being of individuals worldwide.

The Deep and Enduring History of Universal Basic Income
While the concept stretches back centuries, it has garnered significant attention in recent decades.

The health case for basic income
Can a universal benefit address poverty, reduce inequality and promote public health?

Implementing a basic income means overcoming myths about the ‘undeserving poor’
On Prince Edward Island, a recent report has outlined how the province could reduce poverty by adopting a basic income. Meanwhile in Ottawa, the Senate is considering developing a framework for a national basic income. Momentum behind a basic income is clearly growing in Canada.

Universal Basic Income: A solution for a diverse country
Recent experiences like the COVID-19 pandemic have brutally highlighted that traditional policy tools are inadequate in protecting the weakest sections of India.

UBI vs. Negative Income Tax
An NIT sounds very different from a UBI because, well, it sounds like a tax, not a benefit! But as we’ll see, in most circumstances, the two are mathematically equivalent.

How Basic Income Will Impact Rent
One fear about Universal Basic Income (UBI) is that it could cause rents to increase, partially or entirely diverting the benefit of UBI to landlords.

UBI Book Review: Citizen’s Basic Income: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Malcolm Torry
This book explores what a range of different academic disciplines have to say about universal basic income.

The circle of obligation and the mandatory-participation “social contract” (Mandatory Participation on Trial, Part 12)
Many people have imagined a workers’ revolution that cuts out property owners and establishes a true circle-of-obligation. As always, let me see the plan. Maybe it solves some of the problems I’ve mentioned, but no plan solves the insider-outsider problems inherent in politics. Wishful thinking about everyone becoming better people after the revolution won’t make the self-serving bias of people in power go away.

Universal basic dividend as a form of welfare
Universal basic dividend (UBD) is a mechanism by which each member of a given society receives a regular payment, with no or very limited conditionality, typically based on recognising the value of common resources, or of public investment in the capitalist economy. This post explores the potential benefits and limitations of this idea, summarising the policy brief recently published by the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.

Opinion: Why Milton Friedman’s free market needs basic income
By: Joshua Preiss See original post here. Universal basic income is an idea usually associated with the political left.

No Simple Policy – Designing a European Basic Income
See original post here. The idea of a European universal basic income bears potential as a palpable way of

Opinion: Basic income wouldn’t lead to adults leaving their jobs and could lift millions of children into brighter futures
By: Michael W. Howard When the child tax credit, first established in 1997, was expanded for a year in

UBI – A highly relevant macroeconomic policy tool that most policymakers misunderstand
By: Swapnil Pawar Universal basic income has been discussed at length in recent debates in economics. The mistaken and

How universal basic income entered the political mainstream
By: Colin Drury It’s near the end of the month, and all 2.1 million adults living here have just

How a guaranteed $600 per month is changing the lives of the formerly incarcerated
By: Sarah Krueger Tydricka Lewis is appreciative of the $600 she’s given each month as part of Durham’s guaranteed

Universal basic income and macro models: What can we learn?
By: Geoff Crocker The macroeconomics of universal basic income (UBI) is insufficiently addressed, both in proposing and in evaluating

In this age of chronic uncertainty, we need a basic income
By: Guy Standing We in the UK are living in an age of chronic uncertainty, in which crises pile

A Basic Income Grant in South Africa: What It’s All About
By: Carilee Osborne See original article here. South Africa is one of the most unequal countries in the world,

A universal basic income campaign is part of a broader, long-term project of change
By: Hein Marais See original article here. For a very large proportion of South Africans, paid work is neither a

Why Universal Basic Income Would Help Women Entrepreneurs Soar To New Heights
See original post here. Have you ever been told “hard work will get you where you want to be”?

Treading water: Canadians need Universal Basic Income
By: Bhavana Kaushik. See original post here. In a world with skyrocketing housing prices, wages that don’t reflect productivity, and rampant worker

A Decent Level for All: Economic Justice and Universal Basic Income
By: Tanner Matthews. See original post here. Demands for “economic justice” in public policy debates are emotionally powerful, imparting

Opinion: To sustain our current economic model we need to start paying citizens
By: Rhiannon Picton-James. See original post here. A universal basic income, regardless of salary, savings and no strings attached. No

Is Universal Basic Income Part of a Just Transition?
By: JOHN FEFFER See original post here. In the remote rural village of Dauphin, in the Canadian province of

4 Ways Universal Basic Income Could Change Canadian Health Care, According to Health Economists
By: Rebecca Gao See original post here. When the federal government launched the Canada emergency response benefit (CERB) in

The UN has asked Sri Lanka to introduce a temporary basic income
By: Benjamin Parkin Original post can be found here. The UN has asked Sri Lanka to introduce a temporary

What would a basic income mean for the Arab world?
By: Diana Bashur See original post here. _______________________________________ In a nutshell. What a regular, individual and predictable basic income