Long-lost leaflet reveals radical 1986 plan for a basic income for all in the UK
Named after a quote from Karl Marx, a leaflet picked up in a second-hand bookshop uncovers an ambitious proposal

The pandemic exposed a clear feminist argument in favor of universal basic income
Two years on from the first national coronavirus lockdown, Hannah Fearn examines the impact the pandemic had on mothers and argues

A gradual path to a fully universal unconditional basic income is possible in Brazil
By: DAVID CASASSAS, JULIE WARK, AND JEAN WYLLYS … Original Post: “If the misery of the poor be caused

Opinion: Yes, we can afford Universal Basic Income in South Africa
By Aliya Chikte and Gilad Isaacs Political will and strategic taxation channels could help bridge the yawning divide between

Guaranteed Minimum Income and How It relates to UBI
As the idea of different versions of UBI continues to gather support among the public, attention is turning to

Adopting basic income scheme in Wales could improve health for all
A new report published today (22.06.21) by Public Health Wales suggests that introducing a basic income scheme in Wales could be a catalyst for

Basic Income Will Increase Workers’ Bargaining Power
The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have brought calls for a universal basic income. While it’s no silver

Seeing The Future In Our Past: Universal Basic Income And The Social Security Act
Universal programs in moments of economic transformation prove to endure with popular support. Will it last? By: Shaby Missaghi

Why Students Should Support Universal Basic Income
We should not underestimate the financial hardship young people and students face due to high levels of debt, rising

Support is growing for a universal basic income – and rightly so
The benefits of universal basic income is being recognized globally with the potential to provide everyone with a safety

Making the Case for Universal Basic Income
Jamie Swift and Elaine Power’s book offers a compelling argument that it’s time to give Canadians more freedom and

Basic Income isn’t just about reducing poverty
At the heart of this concept is the idea of individual freedom and personal dignity, or more particularly, the

A guaranteed basic income could be a stabilizing force for Canada
If the pandemic taught economic policy makers nothing else, it’s the value of nimble fiscal supports in averting disaster

A guaranteed basic income would help all Canadians fulfill their full human potential
Introducing a Basic Income Guarantee would cost a lot of money. The good news is that we can finance

Opinion: Why UBI?
This is a list of some arguments in support of UBI that I’ve most frequently come across during my

New book, The Case for Basic Income, explores current challenges in todays climate
“Although there is now a little library of books on Basic Income, we believe that our effort is unique

UBI can help LGBT+ people and it’s on its way
LGBT+ people have so much to contribute to our society—be it in enterprise, the arts or in our politics.

The pros and cons of universal basic income
Unconditional cash payments to residents are more of a floor to stand on than a safety net, say these

Opinion: It’s time to transform our society with a basic income guarantee
The more distant someone is from mainstream culture, the more they need money to address their unique needs in

UBI’s Lessons for Redesigning Canada’s Social Welfare System
UBI, at its core, is an unconditional cash transfer that guarantees a livable income regardless of work status. This

New documentary explores arguments for and against creating a Universal Basic Income
The Cost of Living examines claims made by UBI’s supporters and detractors and includes interviews with welfare rights adviser

Why Universal Basic Income Should Be President Biden’s Top Priority
An updated system of income and taxes would alleviate the worst crises the United States faces, including climate change.

Editorial: 2020 Revealed That Universal Basic Income Cannot Wait Any Longer
By: Scott Santens Everything seemed to change in 2020, and yet in very important ways, what really needed to didn’t,

BIEN Congress 2021 – Call for UBI papers
The local organising committee for the 2021 Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress in Glasgow are very excited to

The European Citizens’ Initiative for Unconditional Basic Income
The ECI is asking for a universal basic income that is unconditional, individual, and of a quantity that is

UBI as Public Money for Public Purpose
Contribution to GTI Forum – Universal Basic Income: Has the Time Come? By: Mary Mellor Interest in a basic

‘We need radicalism to knit our humanity back together again:’ The case for UBI
ALEX CULVIN, member of UBI Lab Network, tells Georgina Trace how a Universal Basic Income in the UK could

Visualizing UBI Research
New tool from Stanford compiles extensive research and shows the connections between UBI and a variety of social issues.

State of the Movement, Nov 2020: Planning for 2021
VIDEO on The First 100 Days of the Biden / Harris Administration and what can be accomplished. Basic Income

Maud Gonne and the 1930s’ movement for basic income in Ireland
Analysis: how a band of Catholic monetary reformers in Ireland promoted the idea of a basic income to eradicate

Opinion: It is imperative that members of the LGBTQ+ community are involved in the design process and advocacy of UBI
“There will not be a magic day when we wake up and it’s now okay to express ourselves publicly.

How UBI can expand educational and career opportunities
UBI programs need to think big picture to achieve lasting results. Is this the right time? By: Wendi Williams