The first results from the world’s biggest basic income experiment
One of the big questions GiveDirectly is trying to answer is how to direct cash to low-income households.

Tacoma’s guaranteed income program ‘GRIT’ may help more residents over next 2 years
TACOMA, Wash. – Tacoma’s guaranteed income program ‘GRIT’ could be on track to help another round of participants over the next two years.

Hundreds of cities experiment with giving people basic income
“Guaranteed basic income” pilot programs are running in communities all over the country, both liberal and conservative. The idea could become the next big public controversy.

Mississippi program shows how giving mothers guaranteed basic income helps children
Sequaya Coleman, with her daughter, was randomly selected to receive $1,000 a month, no strings attached, for a year from the Magnolia Mother’s Trust.

Basic income for the arts: ‘That ‘Jesus Christ, what am I going to do?’ moment isn’t as bad now’
Gearóid O’Dea explains how the BIA pilot scheme has enabled him to worry less and concentrate more on developing his painting career

A Native American woman experiencing homelessness said a Denver basic income program allowed her to pay her bills and attend college
The Denver Basic Income Project has received a $2 million commitment from the City of Denver in its 2024 budget, and is in talks to determine next steps, according to Donovan.

Young parents in Baltimore are getting $1,000 a month, no strings attached, a deal so good some ‘thought it was a scam’
There was no questioning the impact, she told Insider: The money “helped me keep my life afloat.”

Basic income ‘unlocked dozens of doors for me,’ pilot participant says amid call for national program
As the Senate considers a bill that would require the creation of a national framework for basic income, supporters in Ontario say the stories of pilot participants make it clear basic income works.

Universal basic income is working — even in red states
Durham’s mayor pro tempore, Mark-Anthony Middleton, who helped oversee the program, had been advocating for his city to introduce a basic income for years.

‘I wouldn’t have food or a shower, everything has changed because of a little bit of money’
Jasmine, 18, has had a long history with social services and says she’s spent her life moving around

LA County’s basic income program now giving some foster youth $1,000 per month
LOS ANGELES (KABC) — L.A. County’s guaranteed income program, Breathe, is giving 1,000 residents $1,000 a month for three years.

How a Local Currency is Transforming Brazil’s Shopping Districts
I believe local currencies, like the system in Marica, can be a powerful business development model for towns and villages in the UK, especially those losing out to online sales or nearby large cities.

Try this in a small town. Try it in every town.
A new documentary featuring a guaranteed basic income experiment in Cambridge shows the good that comes from giving low-income families a little extra help each month.

Is giving people cash working? What six months of Denver’s Basic Income Project tell us
Six months ago, the Denver Basic Income Project (DBIP) started giving cash regularly to people experiencing homelessness, no strings attached.

What $500 a Month Means to Zinida Moore
In an experimental program, 5,000 Chicagoans received monthly cash payments from the city for a year, no strings attached. Here’s how the money changed one woman’s life — and how it didn’t.

Cambridge tries giving thousands of low-income residents money, no strings attached
Income from the Cambridge RISE pilot program helped free up Porchia Willis to take classes at the Massachusetts School of Barbering

We cut child poverty to historic lows, then let it rebound faster than ever before
The expanded child tax credit was a well-tested solution to child poverty. Bring it back.

Foster care leaver says basic income gives independence
A teenager who was given £1,600 a month as part of a government pilot scheme said it helped her rent a flat.

Basic income saved lives, say supporters, who rallied in Denver for extension of cash assistance
Advocates for the Denver Basic Income Project rallied at the Colorado Capitol on Friday to urge local leaders to support additional funding for the program

Scottish Child Payment Impact ‘Biggest Since Fall of Berlin Wall’
The Scottish Child Payment has seen the biggest reduction in inequality caused by a single policy change since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, an Oxford professor has said.

Denver Basic Income Project and Mark Donovan Gaining More Confidence One Year In
Denver Basic Income project leader Mark Donovan sees plenty of proof that his idea of giving out cash works to improve the lives of the homeless.

Universal basic income proves to be an effective method of development aid
Simply transferring money to people living in poverty works.

A basic income pilot program aimed at supporting mothers and babies is showing significant success in Delaware
The program is now three quarters of the way done and officials say its yielding a 324% return on investment.

Temporary Basic Income, a novel approach to coping with crisis and reducing gender disparities in Nepal
Kalpana is one of the 3,500 economically poor and vulnerable women who received cash as a temporary basic income.

Canada study debunks stereotypes of homeless people’s spending habits
Researchers find homeless people more likely to spend lump sum on housing and food and not ‘temptation goods’ such as alcohol

Guaranteed income program helps a single mother
This is one of four guaranteed basic income initiatives being tested by Santa Clara County, most of which are in the planning phase.

Georgia basic income pilot seems to be working
Georgia pilot gives 650 predominantly Black women $850 a month for two years, no strings attached – and it seems to be working

Denver’s universal basic income project reports early success
A report from the Denver Income Project found giving people experiencing homelessness free money is a meaningful way to improve their lives.

More cities are offering no-strings-attached cash to residents. Here’s what Philly can learn.
Philly will join the ranks of cities such as Durham, N.C., using guaranteed basic income as a tool to address systemic racism.

She ditched her day job to pursue her art with a basic income grant from Ireland
Elinor O’Donovan was among 2,000 artists chosen to receive crucial funding to support their creative endeavors.

‘Life-changing impacts’: can a guaranteed income program work?
It’s Basic, a new documentary premiering at the Tribeca film festival, looks at the US program that gave in-need participants $500 a month

Are guaranteed-income programs in Illinois working?
Thousands of Chicago and Cook County residents got $500 a month the past year from programs that are aiming to give people a little financial cushion.
When Jailyn Brown was selected to join a pilot program that gives cash to people struggling to make ends meet, the 23-year-old could hardly get enough hours at the retail store in Chicago where she worked to cover her expenses.