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Income Inequality

Pilots & Experiments

Portland, Maine Exploring Universal Basic Income Program

Portland, Maine Exploring Universal Basic Income Program

The Portland City Council’s Housing and Economic Development Committee recently released a draft of their 2024 Work Plan, which includes exploring the implementation of a universal basic income (UBI) and a possible increase of the city’s minimum wage to $20 per hour.

The Social Debate

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘Universal basic income just makes sense’

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘Universal basic income just makes sense’

Writer Kerry Hudson: ‘I grew up with the narrative that working-class mothers were the worst’
Hephzibah Anderson
The author on following her acclaimed debut Lowborn with a memoir about motherhood, why her next two books will be thrillers, and the power of toast to bring cheer

Andrew Yang

Success Stories

The Basics of UBI

UBI vs. Negative Income Tax

UBI vs. Negative Income Tax

An NIT sounds very different from a UBI because, well, it sounds like a tax, not a benefit! But as we’ll see, in most circumstances, the two are mathematically equivalent.

Workforce Automation

Humanoid robots will join BMW's production line

Humanoid robots will join BMW’s production line

BMW’s newest autoworker is 5’6,” 130 pounds, walks on two legs, uses five-fingered hands to assemble machines — and takes a break every five hours to stroll to a charging station and plug itself in.